40k Rumors: A New Space Marine Board Game Coming?

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There might be another 40k board game on the way involving some kind of Chapter of Dorn. Check out the latest rumors!

New rumors are here some kind of game on the way involving one of Rogal Dorn’s Chapters (i.e Imperial Fists, Black Templars, and Crimson Fists). Beyond that, we’re not exactly sure what everything could involve. Take a look at the latest:

40k Rumors: A New Space Marine Board Game Coming?

Black Templar Neophyte Wal Hor

According to an Industry Insider:

New Space Marine boardgame on the way? A Chapter of Dorn will be the host of the next big game from workshop.  

Breaking down what that may be, a Chapters of Dorn immediately narrows it down to the Imperial Fists, Crimson Fists, and Black Templars. That being said, lorewise, they all fought against Orks pretty heavily.

Of course, we can make the case for something like Imperial Fists going against some Genestealer Cults that might have been located on Terra. Even with the advances of Chaos lately after Cadia fell from Abaddon, Dorn’s Warriors could also be going against some Chaos incursion. Really, any guess is as good as ours there.

Looking at the theme of things since the start of 8th edition, whatever is inside it *COULD* be an all-Primaris force.

lost patrol

Looking at some past boardgames for 40k, it could be a tile-based game of Marines fending off hordes of [insert your enemy’s guess here].

space marine adventures

The most recent grimdark boardgame we saw was the Space Marine Adventures: Labyrinth of the Necrons. These took Marines from all different Chapters and threw them in an ever-changing Necron structure.

So with a mix of rumors and educated guesses, which Chapter would you like to see showcased in a new 40k boardgame? Which faction would make the most sense for them to fight? Would you like to see a randomly generated tile-game like past games have been or something new?

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