40k Set To Get the AoS 2.0 Treatment?

By Wesley Floyd | June 21st, 2018 | Categories: Editorials, Warhammer 40k News

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Is Warhammer 40k set to get the AoS 2.0 “second edition” treatment? The codexes will all be released nearly two years from the start of 8th Edition. Then what?

It’s been said that there won’t be another edition of Warhammer 40k. There will just be a Chapter Approved book and some updates every year. Does that mean 40k could get AoS 2.0 treatment?

What do we mean by AoS 2.0 treatment?

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Well, the format of the game I.e, the to hit, to wound, armor save mechanics are staying the same. You still follow the chart on the unit’s data card to play. That’s how it was in AOS and that’s how it will be in AoS 2.0.

They are changing some of the unit’s rules, some points costs, but giving an entire overhaul to the atmosphere of the game through realms, artifacts, and spells. They built AoS 2.0 up from the foundation that AoS laid 3 years ago. So the question stands…Will the same thing happen to 8th edition in 40k?

8th Edition 2.0

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Despite all of the FAQs and rules debates, 8th edition collectively has been the most streamlined and easy to “pick up” edition there has ever been. With that being said. It looks like GW has a solid building block to go from. They can keep things fresh and players interested by coming out with a new Chapter Approved book that give units new rules and mechanics. However, keep the hitting, wounding, save, and movement charts all the same.

It won’t cause the headache of people having to mentally dump years worth of game knowledge to have them pick up a new version. It’s easier on the game developers and easier on the gamers.


It’s been a year since 8th edition has come out. So now that things are settling down, the question stands…When will an update happen? We don’t know that for sure but it certainly won’t be before all of the codexes get released. We’ve still got Orks, Space Wolves, Genestealer Cult, and apparently Ynnari to go.

What do you think about 8th edition? Would you like a new edition of 40k with some more advanced rules? Or just one place to get all the current rules that have been updated over and over again via FAQs and Erratas.

Should GW keep it simple and just change the rules for units? Would the game get stale if it kept the same basic rules format for years?

Let us know what you think in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

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