The next release for Warhammer 40k hitting pre-order so if you wanted more rules for your games, or terrain, this is a great release cycle for you.
Two new supplements are coming in as this week’s release, not to mention multiple terrain kits as well! Check out the new release and everything that will be on pre-order for delivery on October 3rd!
Crusade: Beyond the Veil
Chapter Approved: Tactical Deployment
Battlezone Manufactorum Datasheet Cards
Battlezone: Manufactorum – Vertigus
Sub-Cloister and Storage Fane /Sanctum Administratus
Sub-Cloister and Storage Fane sprues:
Sanctum Administratus sprues:
Munitorium Armoured Containers /Munitorum Conservators
Armoured Containers sprues:
Conservators sprues:
Will you be picking up a terrain set? Are you excited for the supplement release?
Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!