MBG here with some more Eldar Super Heavy lovings.
This is the Reventant titan, and it’s younger brother of the biggest titan in existence, the Phantom.
Today I’m unboxing the Forge World Eldar Revenant Titan for you, and while its not over three feet tall, it’s still pretty sweet!
Recently in conjunction with their Imperial Armor 11 “Doom of Mymera” book, Forge World revised the rules a bit, clarifying how it’s holofields work. Now they go off against all attacks even close combat ones (as long as it moved in its’ movement phase)!
Plus its got Jump Jets for getting into the fray fast and re-positioning quicker. This puppy will go toe to toe with any Titan it’s size out there, and decimate any army foolish enough to not bring a super heavy against it.
All for under 1,000 points. Not too shabby.
The Kit
Eldar Revenant Titan available for 182 pounds (~$283) from Forge World.
The Eldar Revenant combines high speed with devastating firepower. It is armed with 2 Pulsars and Revenant Missile launcher. Complete resin multi part model that can be built in a variety of poses. Standing approximately 12inches (300mm) tall to the top of its head. This model comes with 2 head variants, base not included. Master Model by Will Hayes, crew sculpted by Simon Egan.
Courtesy FW’s site
For now though, enjoy the video. Oh and don’t forget to checkout my unboxing of the Limited Edition Boarding Marine from last week. -MBG