40k’s 8th Edition to get “Sigmarized”? NEW RUMORS

By James Rodriguez | February 2nd, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors


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With a lot of talk about the rules changing and Warhammer becoming “Sigmarized”, this rumor was just spotted, you’re not going to want to miss this.

It seems this is going to be some ruleset changes for 40k and 30k. BoLS just released this rumor that is rather interesting.


Yesterday Mikhael reported this:

Regarding 40k’s New 8th Edition belived to be on the way in Q2:

  • The new edition will have two separate rulesets.
  • 40K: Primary game will have a new set of streamlined rules.
  • 30K: Heresy era ruleset will be seperate and more complex.

Today he follows up with more details on the “split” rulesets:

40K 8th Edition Ruleset40k fight terminator

  • The new rules are streamlined but retain the core of current 7th edition 40k rules.
  • Age of Sigmar style Warscroll-datasheets are in.
  • Look to find unit stats, special rules and rules on these Warscrolls-datasheets, in short everything you would need to play in one place.
  • Most of the core rules’s complexity is staying, with only some fiddly peripheral rules and a percentage of the unit special rules being phased out.

30K Horus Heresy Ruleset

ahriman 30k scarab 900

  • The 30K rules will allow use of current Forge World books without alteration.
  • Technically the ruleset is not new.
  • It is the current 7th edition ruleset, with 40th millennia portions removed and the 30K Age of Darkness sections added in their place. ~Editor: So 30K FOCs, missions, allies, etc…

Well it looks like 40k is going to be getting Sigmar-like datasheets for all units. It’s going to retain current 7th edition rules, the complexity isn’t going to be dropped,  with the exception on a few unit special rules being phase out.

30k is pretty much remaining exactly the same, only getting some minor changes to the ruleset. The changes being made will make it so you can use Forge World books without altering anything, 7th edition rules are going to stay in place, only portions of the 40th  millennia removed, and sections from 30k Age of Darkness will be added in their place.

So what do you think? Are datasheets for 40k going to make it easier for new players to pick up the game? Or is this the beginning of more changes to come? What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments below.eldar farseer

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