40k’s Four New Battleforces & Formations: Unboxed

battleforce 40k

Today we are unboxing and taking a look at all four of the new 40k Battleforce bundle deals that have been released just in time for the Holidays!

We’re giving away the Deathwatch Battleforce LIVE Monday Dec 12th at 9pm EST. Get your FREE Give-away ticket by following us on Twitch:

All four of these new 40k Battleforces are a great value and would be the perfect way to expand or start a new army!

Battleforce: Deathwatch Watchblade Task Force

First we will crack open the new Deathwatch Battleforce. This is the first time Games Workshop has skipped the Start Collecting box and went straight to the Battleforce box. It is all boxed in the new slip box style that has become a standard with new Games Workshop products. Other than all the miniatures that come in this box there is also a new formation with the special rule Ceaseless Assault which we will go over in the video below.

Battleforce: Adeptus Mechanicus Eradication Cohort

Next up is the Adeptus Mechanicus Battleforce which contains a slightly better deal that we saw in the Start Collecting box. This box includes a new formation that gives a special rule, Surgical Precision, which gives Preferred Enemy to any Eradication Cohort unit that inflicts an unsaved wound, glancing hit or penetrating hit on an enemy unit.

Battleforce: Tau Empire Targeted Reconnaissance Cadre

If you are playing or just starting to collect Tau, then this next box is definitely something you are going to want to pick up. With almost $100 in savings this box is exactly what you need to fill out or start your Tau army.

Battleforce: Space Wolves Ironclaw Strike Force

Last but not least we are going to talk about the new Space Wolf Battleforce. This is a great box because it comes with a lot of models that you will need to play Space Wolves. This box is probably the biggest savings out of all the Battleforce boxes with over $100 in savings.

Check out the video below to see everything we have to say about these Battleforces as well as hear about all the savings to be had with these new bundle deals!

Battleforce: Deathwatch Watchblade Task Force: $170

Battleforce: Deathwatch Watchblade Task Force

The elite amongst the elite, carefully selected and recruited for their exceptional abilities, the Deathwatch are a thin black line, a sentinel that stands between the Imperium and alien threats unimaginable. Always outnumbered – such is the staggering scale of the hordes they face – this noble brotherhood has stood stout against countless invasions, and will face countless more.

An instant collection in a box, this Battleforce: contains 27 Deathwatch miniatures, and a formation – the Watchblade Task Force – meaning that as soon as you’ve assembled and painted this mighty assortment you can field them in a game of Warhammer 40,000!


–        1 Watch Master
–        1 Deathwatch Razorback
–        5 Deathwatch Bikers
–        5 Deathwatch Terminators
–        3 5-man Deathwatch Kill Teams
–        3 Deathwatch Upgrade frames – this adds

30x Deathwatch Space Marine shoulder pads (left arm)
6x Deathwatch Space Marine Terminator shoulder pads (right arm)
6x Deathwatch Space Marine Sergeant chest plates
6x Deathwatch Space Marine Sergeant helmets
3x Deathwatch Space Marine power sword
3x Deathwatch backpack icon
6x Deathwatch vehicle/walker icons

meaning lots of spares for your collection!

Battleforce: Adeptus Mechanicus Eradication Cohort: $170

Battleforce: Adeptus Mechanicus Eradication Cohort

Purity in augmentation – the Adeptus Mechanicus, a horrifying, post-human nightmare rendered in metal and flesh, utterly without mercy in their endless quest to harvest information and technology for the Machine God. The morsels of data they find are analysed by their leaders and repurposed to make these footsoldiers of the Omnissiah an ever more efficient, cold army of ruthless killers.

An instant collection in a box, this Battleforce contains 17 Adeptus Mechanicus miniatures, and a formation – the Eradication Cohort – meaning that as soon as you’ve assembled and painted this mighty assortment you can field them in a game of Warhammer 40,000!


– 1 Sydonian Dragoon
– 2 Kastelan Robots and an attendant Datasmith
– 3 Kataphron Battle Servitors – Destroyers
– 5 Sicarian Infiltrators
– 5 Fulgurite Electro-Priests

Battleforce: Tau Empire Targeted Reconnaissance Cadre: $170Battleforce: Tau Empire Targeted Reconnaissance Cadre

Using speed, genius tactics and overwhelming firepower to spread their message of the Greater Good across the galaxy, the Tau Empire is a race known for incredibly advanced technology. Fuelled by the absolute conviction that their cause is just, they bring enlightenment to all at the barrel of a gun. Join, or die.

An instant collection in a box, this Battleforce: contains a set of Tau Empire miniatures, and a formation – the Targeted Reconnaissance Cadre – meaning that as soon as you’ve assembled and painted this mighty assortment you can field them in a game of Warhammer 40,000!


–        1 TY7 Devilfish
–        1 XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit, with 1 Drone
–        1 XV88 Broadside Battlesuit, with 2 Drones
–        1 XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit, with 2 Drones
–        3 XV25 Stealth Suits, with 1 Drone
–        a 10-model Pathfinder Team, with 3 Drones

Battleforce: Space Wolves Ironclaw Strike Force: $170

Battleforce: Space Wolves Ironclaw Strike Force

Forged from a race of ferocious warriors raised on the death world of Fenris, the Space Wolves are furious, savage adversaries -the perfect fusion of raw might and technological supremacy, fighting with blade, claw and boltgun against the horrific armies that threaten to consume mankind.

An instant collection in a box, this Battleforce contains 28 Space Wolves miniatures, and a formation – the Ironclaw Strike Force – meaning that as soon as you’ve assembled and painted this mighty assortment you can field them in a game of Warhammer 40,000!


– 1 Iron Priest
– 1 Stormfang Gunship
– 1 Venerable Dreadnought
– 5 Wolf Guard Terminators
– 5 Fenrisian Wolves
– 15 Bloodclaws

There is so much savings in these new boxes it makes it very hard to not start yet another new army! Head over to Games Workshop and get one or all of these Battleforces!