40k’s Top 5 Winning Labor Day GT Armies

astra militarumCome find out the top lists from this weekend’s 40k Labor Day Grand Tournament at the Nova Open and see who came out on top!

A new edition is here for 40k, and competition was stiff with a lot of top players in the tournament scene clinching the top spots. But, it was Andrew Gonyo who took home the first place finish with his Astra Militarum list.

Let’s take a look at what he ran:

historia astra militarum

Astra Militarum Battalion – Cadian Flavored 
HQ: Creed
HQ: Primaris Psyker
HQ: Primaris Psyker
Elite: Commissar – Warlord
Elite: Commissar
Elite: Astropath
Elite: Astropath
Troop: 40 Conscripts
Troop: 40 Conscripts
Troop: 40 Conscripts
Heavy Support: Heavy Weapon Squad – 3 Mortars
Heavy Support: Heavy Weapon Squad – 3 Mortars
Heavy Support: Heavy Weapon Squad – 3 Mortars
Dedicated Transport: Taurox Prime, Hot Shot Volley, Gatling Cannon, Heavy Stubber
Dedicated Transport: Taurox Prime, Hot Shot Volley, Gatling Cannon, Heavy Stubber
Dedicated Transport: Taurox Prime, Hot Shot Volley, Gatling Cannon, Heavy Stubber
Dedicated Transport: Taurox Prime, Hot Shot Volley, Gatling Cannon, Heavy Stubber
Dedicated Transport: Taurox Prime, Hot Shot Volley, Gatling Cannon, Heavy Stubber

Elite Detachment 
HQ: Elysium Company Commander
HQ: Elysium Company Commander
Elite: Elysium Sniper Squad, 3 Sniper Rifles
Elite: Elysium Sniper Squad, 3 Sniper Rifles
Elite: Elysium Command Squad, Plasma Guns X 4
Elite: Elysium Command Squad, Plasma Guns X 4
Troop: Elysium Infantry Squad (10 guys), Frag/Krak Grenades
Troop: Elysium Infantry Squad (10 guys), Frag/Krak Grenades
Fast Att: Seraphim X 5, Inferno Pistol X 4
Heavy Support: Heavy Weapon Squad – 3 Mortars – Cadians
Heavy Support: Heavy Weapon Squad – 3 Mortars – Cadians

Supreme Command Detachment 
HQ: Saint Celestine
HQ: Primaris Psyker
HQ: Primaris Psyker
HQ: Primaris Psyker
HQ: Primaris Psyker
Elite: Astropath

This is a very solid list and it’s no surprise that Andrew Gonyo took home first with it.

Now, let’s go over the Top 5 finishers, and see what armies they were running.

top 5 list

  1. Adrew Gonyo: Astra Militarum – Beast Coast (8,146 pts)
  2. Kelsey Haley: Chaos – The Wobbly Modelers (7,145 pts)
  3. Tony Kopach: Astra Militarum – Beast Coast (7,143 pts)
  4. Stephen Fore: Astra Militarum – The Wobbly Modelers (7,140 pts)
  5. Joseph Langan: Ultramarines – Giggle Room Vets (7,134 pts)

As far as teams go, The Wobbly Modelers and Beast Coast are really looking to be two of the big powerhouses this season. Beast Coast took second place at this year’s American Team Championship, with The Wobbly Modelers closely behind them in third place. As far as armies go, it’s looking like the Astra Militarum might be a fan favorite right now taking up three of the top 5 positions. The only other two armies we’re seeing in the top 5 is Chaos and the Ultramarines. All in all this was a very close tournament with only 5 points separating second and fourth place.

What do you think about the latest tournament results? Are you surprised to see Astra Militarum at the top?

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