40k’s Top Unbeatable Army & Runners Up Going Into Adepticon


With the Warhammer 40k meta fresher than ever, we’ve got three new top lists that all did well at one of last weekend’s biggest events here in the States.

Field of Fire Gaming is one of the last major events to take place before Adepticon 2019. Now that it’s over, we’ve got three lists that we can potentially use, post Genestealer Cult release, to gauge what we might be seeing on the tables of the biggest wargaming convention!

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back in the past at all of the details from the event. The top three lists were filtered based on the total amount of points accrued from BCP.

1st Place: Dark Eldar- Chris Blackham

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Looking at the general scope of the list, it’s pretty much what you’d expect from Dark Eldar.

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Wracks were used to hold objectives and be deceptively tanky, Talos Pain engines scooted across the map with good ol’ Urien at their side, and flyers kept the pressure on from turn one. Between two big units of Taloses, a chunky blob of Windriders, and five whole flyers, this army was able to skirt around all kinds of lists and have a nasty shooting phase. Great job coming in first!

2nd Place: Orks- Eli Williams

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Looking at this mean green horde army, the Orks brought three Battalion detachments loaded with Gretchin and Boyz.

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The detachments had Lootas and Tankbustas thrown into the mix. The Orks mastered the art of hiding behind Gretchin to absorb the shots, thanks to their nifty Grot Shield stratagem.

Don’t forget that the Orks also took the Vigilus Dread Waagh! detachment to unlock Da Souped up Shokka relic that can melt enemy armor. All in all, this list was able to apply turn one Ork Boy pressure and cripple a Knight a turn, thanks to the sheer amount of anti-tank firepower.

3rd Place: Astral Claws- Casey Gallas

astral claw space marine wal

You might be a little confused as to why a Space Marine player did so well after power armor got completely shafted in 8th edition. But as you look over the list, you’ll see that two double storm cannon array Leviathans were backed by a Battalion of Ad Mech Enginseers!

This list really lacked the CP that we normally find in lists clocking in at only nine CP. However, what he lacked in CP, he made up for in firepower! The Ad Mech were able to heal the Leviathans and provide some decent turn two disruption thanks to the Termite drills. Once anything got within the 24″ range of the storm cannons, it was pretty much a death sentence. The Lieutenants in the Spearhead detachment were there mainly as a cheap HQ option, but scooping up 1’s on wound rolls is also a nice bonus. Nice list!

What are your thoughts on the lists? Have you been inspired to break out your Space Marines once again and experiment? Will Dark Eldar ever get away from their flyers? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.