The Best Space Wolves 40k Army Collections

space wolf storwoflThese are five of the best 40k Space Wolves army collections we’ve featured here, to help with inspiration for your latest Saga of the Beast hobby project!

Space Wolves have had a long history of being meta-changers in the past. We’ve actually seen most Imperial lists rock some kind of contingent with them over the years. With Saga of the Beast equipping them with all-new rules, it’ll be exciting to see how other factions respond to what they bring to the table.

Best Space Wolves 40k Army Showcases We’ve Featured

Join us as we look back at the top featured Space Wolves army showcases we featured in the past to help hype you up for their re-entry into 40k.

5. Drag the Cavalry Through Hel

IMG_0132What’s the best way to get Space Wolves within melee range in the shortest amount of time? You apply wolves. Check out this awesome list.

4. Howling For War: Space Wolves Army Showcase

howling for war walThe Dark Angels and Space Wolves linked forces and rode to war in this showcase. Check out this incredibly detailed army for yourself!

3. Frost-hardened Ceramite: Space Wolves Army Showcase

space wolf storwoflBy frost and deep blue paint, these Space Wolves are ready to turn heads at the next tournament. Check out all the hobby love poured into them.

2. Wolves backing Up The Sisters: Army Showcase

Wolves Backing sisters walThe Wolves were the muscle to this army backing up the Sisters of Battle! Take a look at the firepower they broke out to crush the weak with.

1. The Hounds of Fenris: Dark Bunny Space Wolf Showcase

Army of Fenris. Dark Bunny Wolf Knight & Walker ShowcaseKnights have never looked so good with Space Wolf colors and sweet conversions. Check out this incredible showcase from Dark Bunny Creatives.

Space Wolves are one of the most popular Marine armies to play (and have been or years). With that said, there are plenty of other awesome armies to look at out there. However, these are just a few of our top picks in recent years.

What’s your favorite unit to use with your Space Wolves? Have you painted your Space Wolves in the traditional color or did you go for something different?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!