5 Reasons Chaos Space Marines Are Already OP

By Rob Baer | July 20th, 2016 | Categories: Chaos Space Marines, Tactics, Top 10, Warhammer 40k News


Does Chaos Space Marines even need help to make them play better? It may come as a shock to most players, but Chaos may already be OP.

In what may be the best kept secret right now in 40k, some players would say that Chaos is already rising and perhaps one of the most OP armies out there.

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Much like Sarumon amassing his armies in secret, Chaos has been slowly growing in power between their Daemon allies, and the new first draft FAQ that benefited KDK and summoning.

And then the Cyclopia Cabal dropped for Black Legion, and that may have just been a wrap.  Checkout why the new formation is SO powerful that it can literally drop the biggest baddest death stars in the game with relative ease:

cyclopia cabal formation

Why Chaos is OP Now: Cyclopia Cabal Top 5 TL;DR

  • No restrictions on range, casting order, wargear or spells (besides Divination).
  • Cabal armies often rely on a KDK Juggy Lord, Hounds & Cultists for Obsec – and of course access to summoning D-Thirsters and Princes. However renegade and Chaos Knights are also seen sometimes as well.
  • They rely on Daemons for Divination, but perhaps more importantly also for Possession to get, you guessed it, KDK D-Thristers via the FAQ (Spoiler alert: they can attack on turn sooner now too per the FAQ as well).
  • Did I mention Daemons? Guess what army will have 25ish psychic dice from the get-go.  If you hated summoning armies before, this is the best of both worlds.
  • Familiars. Not only can all the sorcerers cast all their power per normal casting restrictions (unlike those silly librariuses out there), they can also re-roll failed casts as well. Combo that with Fatesy, and/or a herald with Paradox, and GG on not getting powers off.

And that is just a teaser of what makes the new Chaos formation so OP, and some ideas on how to utilize it to its full potential.

But imma let you finish, but….

Cabal on bike (Staves) + Flesh Hounds + HQ with Sanctuary, and Hammerhands, that has been booked/ cursed earthed, charging a target that has been Misfortuned.

stay thirsty

So what do you think of Chaos, NOW?