5 Reasons Why Chaos is 40k’s Thief in the Night

By Rob Baer | September 23rd, 2015 | Categories: Chaos Space Marines, Editorials, Warhammer 40k News

chaos dark angels fallen

Chaos may literally be the Spanish Inquisition of 40k, no one ever suspects them, but when they show up in the hands of a seasoned player they seem to always make a splash.

Top 5 Reasons Chaos is Secretly Good

After one of our buddies got 5th place at NOVA with Chaos recently we devoted a big chunk of our Wednesday night Podcast/webcast to breaking down Chaos for all the haters. Seems like with all the new formations and Daemonkin additions, that Chaos is one of the most robust factions out there currently.

Here’s our list of why Chaos is so good that we talked about on the podcast below!

5. Hoover It- Players and TO’s always seem to forget that Chaos Daemons can dominate any “vacuum” meta out there. They’ve won Adepticon for several years now, and Alan Pajama pants dominated WargamesCon and Bay Area Open with them this year as well.

daemons chaos thumb

4. The Gory Details: MSU Gorepack formation for Daemonkin may be one of the best in the game. This gives you 2-4 units of Bikers, and 1-4 units of Fleshhounds, but perhaps more importantly they allow you to get a bonus for a staple unit (hounds) and a cheap MSU units (bikes) that you should be taking in every Daemonkin lists IMHO.

Their formation special rules are solid, and the bikes confer TWO blood tithes when they die (one for the unit, and champion) so they are worth shooting up into danger to grab objectives and set your army up for….

3. Blood for the Blood God! – When used for formations and the Blood host itself hitting that army wide feel no pain and rage quick on the blood tithe chart can make those Flesh Hounds into unstoppable killing machines.

2. Wombo Combos – Chaos has some of the best hard hitting, and combo units out there like the D-Thirster, Screamers, and Plague Drones. Plus cool mechanics like Spell familiars can really give them the edge in the psychic phase. Spash in combo units like Bel’akor and or Fateweaver and things really start to get fun!

fist of khorne

1. Formations, Formations, Formations! – Chaos officially doesn’t have a 7th Edition codex, but don’t let that stop you from using formations.

The Blood Oath book has what may be one of the best formations in the game, the Fist of Khorne, that let’s you assault with 20 Khorne Berzerkers on turn one. Plus the Bloodied Horde for Daemons is a great one as well that when combo-ed together even can make for one impressive 1-2 Chaos knockout punch!

What have YOU seen Chaos do?


Top 5 Reasons Chaos is Secretly Good – Episode 17 –