5 Reasons Why Fateweaver Is The Best Unit In 40k?

By Rob Baer | February 15th, 2016 | Categories: Chaos Daemons, Chaos Space Marines, Tactics, Warhammer 40k News

fateweaver greater daemon

The new Daemon rules are here, and they’re good! Come see how Fateweaver may have gotten even better, if not one of the best units in the game.

Remember back in the day when Fateweaver was 330 points and a must have in every army? Well he’s even cheaper these days, and now with the new Curse of the Wulfen book he may have gotten even better!


This Article is Rated: New Tactics Tech

Some of the tactics in here are the new hotness, while others are oldies but goodies. Just remember at the end of the day, no one is perfect when it comes to rules – not even GW. If we make a mistake just drop it in the comments and we’ll take a look!

5.) Hold My Warp Dust, and Watch This….

Fateweaver has access to all of the new Tzeentch Powers (3,4, and 6), along with two instances of summoning from Malefic table per head. So the chances of loosing any of these powers due to perils is extremely low.

Discipline of Change
Primaris – Flickering Fire of Tzeentch: Unchanged, other than to reword it to make it clear you choose the WC cost before you cast.
1 – Tzeentch’s Firestorm: Unchanged.
2 – Bolt of Change: Unchanged
3 – Tzeentch’s Warpflare: WC1. Nova, Range 9″, S D6, AP4, Assault 2D6, Ignores Cover, Warpflame.
4 – Boon of Flame: WC2 or 3, decide before rolling. Conjuration with range of 12″. If used at WC2, conjure 1 Exalted Flamer. If used at WC3 conjure either a unit of 3 Flamers or 1 Burning Chariot.
5 – Infernal Gateway: Unchanged.
6 – Prismatic Gaze: WC3. Witchfire, Range 18″, Strength D, AP1, Assault 1.

4.) Power Ups

Depending on the situation Fateweaver can now summon in a relentless chariot that fires D3 S9 ap2 shots or a S5 ap3 torrent, every turn. He can also cast a sweet nova power as well, and while it’s only SD6, it is Assault 2D6 Ignores Cover, which can do work to hordes and rear armor alike (there is a ton more Tzeentchian tricks your Heralds can do for this chart that we’ll talk about in a future article).


3.) Guess Who’s Got The “D”?

Perhaps even better, now Fateweaver has a “D” weapon. The Prismatic Gaze  is basically a 42″ D weapon when you factor in his movement. Plus don’t forget about Bolt of Change which is on average a strength 8 AP2 beam, and the ability to also score Molten beam off Pyromancy, he becomes a veritable power house that can literally drop multiple targets and even titans in a single psychic phase. Plus that’s not even taking into account his Flicker Fire as well, that can mop up a lot of units out there as well.

2.) Combos

Most folks are familiar with how Daemon players tended to Grimmore Fateweaver to get his save down to a 2+ that can be re-rolled because of being a Daemon of Tzeentch right?

Well with a 1/3 chance of rolling Warp Tether on the Tzeentch warlord Traits chart, your HQ can give every daemon of Tzeentch within 9″ +1 to their save. Combo that with a clutch Cursed Earth and presto Fateweaver will probably have a 2+ or 3+ invulnerable save in most of his games, without the Grimmore of true names. That frees you up to book something else more important besides old Fatesey which may just be a game changer in itself.

fateweaver change

1.) Stormcaller

Depending on how you do it, IF Fateweaver is your Warlord not only can you re-roll the Warp Storm chart, but if you take the Daemonic Incursion Decurion, you can also get +1/-1 to the chart.  So that changes your average of “the warp is calm” on a 2D6 result of a “7” to either a 6 or an 8, with an 8 being d6 Strength 6 hits that ignore cover and are rending.

That’s a pretty neat “free” shooting attack that when used with the Daemons new Nova power can do some work over the course of a game on a battlefield full of hordes or free Gladius vehicles.

Plus don’t forget the best part about Fateweaver, his free re-roll!  That and the fact he can still summon in hordes of Daemons throughout the game too when he’s not blasting apart tanks and titans as well are all HUGE tactical advantages.

So if you liked these tips about Chicken Little himself, stay tuned for some fun things you can do now with Heralds and the Daemon Decurion too!

Have you heard the good word of our lord Tzeentch?
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