5 Rules Drukhari Desperately Need in the New Codex

drukhari-codexHere are 5 rules the Drukhari need in their new 40k Codex, or at least what we want to see for the Dark Eldar.

With WC putting out some things to look forward to in the new book, we wanted to take a look at things we actually want/need! Dark Eldar is interesting because they have so many cool units and options, but so many of them aren’t effective enough, even for a friendly game sometimes…

dark eldar drukhari de banner clipartWhile you can make some of them work, often the lists that have any competitive nature are fairly similar.

5 Rules Drukhari Desperately Need in the New Codex

DarkEldarArchonIf you haven’t been up to speed on the new rules we’ve already seen for them, you can check them out here! This list is going to focus more on what we think they need to make all three sides of the faction more viable and not really new minis. Because it doesn’t look like they’ll be getting any other than Lelith. So with that in mind, Let’s get into it!

5) Venoms

New Venom BoxJust give the Venoms a carrying capacity of six already! While this won’t help the Kabals a great deal, if they want to push Wych Cult, this would be so helpful. Instead of having to run 5 Wyches in one and take another one stuffed with like 3 Succubi. Just having 5 Wyches and a Succubus in one would really increase the efficiency of a small unit so much. Venoms are already a mainstay, so with one little change, GW could make everyone’s armies that much better in one second.

4) Characters & Upgrades

double face archonOkay, okay, we know we said this wouldn’t focus on new minis, but man they had so many cool characters not so long ago. They did mention Vect in the most recent article, but our hopes aren’t high because it’s such a big mini to make and balance. But, there are so many old characters that like the Duke, Baron Sathonyx, Kruellagh the Vile, etc.

While those are more or less dreams now, why not bring back the wargear for Archons and Succubi? Let them ride a jetbike if they want, let them fly around on a Skyboard. Also, with so few choices in the HQ slots in general, bring back Dracons so at least you don’t have three or four characters in every army that are identical.  

3) Stratagems

Dark Eldar has some very underwhelming Stratagems on the whole. While they have a couple of very strong ones, in a game, you generally only see two or three of them used. So yes, Vect is strong, it makes people mad, but other than that, fire and fade, and maybe webway portal, are the only things that get used. This would be the perfect time for them to revamp them and really give us more playable ones.

2) Make Rules That Make Sense

kabalite warrior statlineThis one is just a little general, but, why give Kabalites more attacks if it raises their points? You don’t want them in combat anyway, if their points stay the same it’s fine. It feels like they don’t really know which each unit needs to get better, just look at PA, they gave the Kabal three traits for combat, like how does that help? So, we just want to see rules that make sense for what people actually use the units for in a game. But at least the better save is nice.

1) Hellions

hellionsThe minis are so cool! Please just make them playable so we can finally field that giant mob of twenty that are already painted up. This is more of us begging, but hey, sometimes you have to put your pride away and beg. At least we know they’re getting an extra attack, but they need so much more than that to be viable. So please just do it GW.

What do you think the book needs? What’s the one thing you want to see the most?

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