500 Point Flash- Rules for Using the New Necrons

By Rob Baer | November 10th, 2011 | Categories: Gaming, Warhammer 40k News

Now that the Necrons codex is out, we have rules for using them in 500 point flash.

Checkout the all the information below, if you have any questions LMK as I am only human.

These rules correspond with my 40k Flash League post last week. Check that out first for all the juicy juice.

The following rules are for building Warhammer 40K Flash

• You must have 1+ Troop choice and a minimum of 2 non-HQ unit selections.
• You may only have 0-1 HQ selection, even if allowed more than one such selection per HQ.
• You may only have 0-3 total Elite, Fast Assault and Heavy Support units combined.
• You may only have 0-1 non-HQ unit with more than 2 wounds. Minimum unit size is 1 model, maximum size is unit’s original minimum size.
• No independent characters or HQ selections with more than 2 wounds.
• No monstrous creatures.
• No units with a toughness over 6.
• No equipment or upgrades with 2+ saves or models with 2+ saves.
• Vehicles squadrons may only take their minimum number of models.
• No vehicles with a total Armor Value greater than 33. Calculate this by adding the Front, Side, and Rear armor values (counting the Side once).
• No units with Ordnance weapons
• No Special Characters

500 pt Flash Army Specific Rules (Good till Dec 1)

Necrons: You can not take any vehicle with 11/11/11 armor if it has Quantum Shielding increasing its Armor Value.

You may take any Type: Infantry model as a unit of one to be your designated leader (HQ Choice), as long as he follows the rules above (regardless of royal court restrictions).