72 Hours of WargamesCon Coverage Starts NOW!

By Rob Baer | June 7th, 2013 | Categories: WarGamesCon 2013, Warhammer 40k News

Here’s Texas!  Live From WargamesCon 2013 it’s 72 hours of event coverage.

Well its true that everything is bigger in Texas and WargamesCon is no different.

The Convention hall is the biggest single hall I’ve ever been to a tabletop event in, and the hotel itself is equally amazing.

Here’s some quick pics I shot this morning from the event, showing off both sides of the floor, our booth and some armies.  Today kicks off the Team Event here at WargamesCon, and we’ll be covering that all day, as well as all the other cool events like X-wing and Flames of War that are happening as well.

Keep in mind guys these are all raw pictures with no editing (so there maybe some bad ones in here), but there are a ton of good ones too!
That’s it for this post, check back shortly for more from our 72 hours of coverage soon! -MBG