8 Things You Need To Know About 40k 8th Edition

By Rob Baer | April 22nd, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

codex collage hor

This is happening! Come see the Eight things you need to know about Games Workshop’s recent 8th edition 40k announcement!

Unlike the disappointing original roll out of Age of Sigmar in 2015, Games Workshop is taking NO chances this go around with their flagship product line, and just dropped the mic what you need to know for the upcoming edition change.

8 Things You Need To Know About 40k 8th Edition

(aka GW Announcement Tl;DR)

40k faq header

  • 40k Codex Books are now invalidated in 8th, and will not carry over. However Forge World’s Horus Heresy game will continue on using the existing 40k rules from 7th.
  • GW did not “End Times” 40k. However it is still The Tme of Ending, capiche?
  • The new rules will be FREE
  • There will still be points, as well as the same three ways to play that are currently in Age of Sigmar’s General’s Handbook.
  • GW hints at an Annual 40k General’s Handbook type supplement for FAQ updates like they will be doing this year with AoS.
  • The new edition of 40k is confirmed releasing this year.
  • All models from GW and Forge World’s Line of Miniatures will be valid for play in the new 8th Edition of 40k.
  • Their new starter box will have new miniatures. See possible spoiler image below of Dark Angels and Death Guard?

First off i’d like to be the first to say way to go Games Workshop giving everyone a reason to continue to look forward to the new release and NOT be misinformed with this product roll out.

Bonus Looks like the armies will be divided into three alliances (just like AoS) that have additional factions to pick from in each of the sides:

alliances 40k

Checkout our official from the floor coverage on GW’s last 8th edition updates from Adepticon 2017:

End of Codex Books? GW’s Private Adepticon Q&A Reveals More on 8th!

Blades Of Khorne Army Content

There was a small Q&A session with two Games Workshop Studio employees. Come find out what they had to say about the future of GW.

5 Big 40k 8th Edition Changes GW Just Teased

Welcome back 40K Fanatics!  Games Workshop is teasing 8th edition changes tonight at Adepticon! Straight from the powers at Games Workshop here a few drip teasers for upcoming changes to our favorite game, Warhammer 40K 8th edition!


Overall I think this is great news for everyone looking for answers to how the edition change will affect their armies. I think my favorite parts are the ones that make the game sound more and more like Age of Sigmar General’s Handbook updates.

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