8th Edition 40k Launch Party Products Revealed

New 40K Primaris Art WalToday we’re getting a look at what your FLGS is going to have access to in order to help with the launch, and promotion of 8th edition.

Multiple retailers have confirmed the following promotional items that will be available for Warhammer Stores and FLGS alike. Let;s take a look at the new displays you might be seeing soon, if you’re not seeing them already.

Demo Pack

Dark Imperium Demo Pack

  • Available for use on pre-order day.
  • Designed to introduce customers to the new edition and invite them to the launch day. Contains:
  • A managers guide • An A2 ‘buy it here’ window poster
  • An A4 ‘Play it here’ Gaming Table poster
  • 100 Launch day invites
  • 2 x First Mission booklets

Gaming Table

Dark Imperium Gaming Table

  • Purpose designed demo table.
  • Easy construction, free standing, ready to use.
  • Eye-catching, draws attention to the miniatures.
  • Available in your store for pre-order Saturday 3rd June.

Launch Pack

Dark Imperium Launch Pack

  • This pack is full of cool give-aways for the launch day. These could be used to incentivise purchases/reward visits to the store on the launch day. Contains:
  • A pad of 50 A4 double sided Roster Sheets
  • 5 cool 40K metal coins • 30 Ultramarine Range Rulers
  • 20 A3 Art Posters
  • 20 Exclusive Mission Sheets
  • 50 Battle Primer Booklets.
  • Also includes an A2 40K Global Campaign ‘Coming Soon’ poster

Warhammer 40,000: Dark Imperium Samples

Dark Imperium Samples

  • Sample copies of Dark Imperium and Index books available in your store for pre-order sat on 3rd June.

Primarus Space Marine Display

  • Over 2 meters tall!
  • Brand new Primaris Space Marine art.
  • Fantastic, eye-catching piece to draw customers into your store.

Games Workshop also announced there will be a new store campaign, Fate of Konor, coming out shortly after the release of 8th edition (as notated above).fate of konor

The Fate of Konor is a massive worldwide campaign that will decide the fate of one of the primary planets in the 500 Worlds of Ultramar. You’ll be able to battle at home or in stores across a variety of planets and war zones in the system, and your games will decide the eventual fate of one of the strategically important worlds in the segmentum and the Imperium.

The campaign kicks off in July – so you’ll have plenty of time to get your head round the new Warhammer 40,000 rules and paint up some new units for your army.

We’re seeing the new campaign and a description of what it’s going to entail courtesy of a couple readers on B&C. Let’s take a look.

The worshippers of Chaos seek to smash a path through the Imperial battle line to Macragge, home world of the Ultramarines. Should they succeed, the greatest Imperial stronghold in the sector will be gravely threatened, and Guilliman’s forces will be cut off and surrounded.

To achieve this end, the forces of Chaos must conquer the powerful, well-located Konor System.  The Konor System embodies the glorious dream of Ultramar.  Crucially, it also guards one of the few stable warp transit routes to the Macragge System. If the Chaos advance is not halted, Konor will soon fall, and a path to the heartland of Ultramar will be laid bare.
8th edition versus hor
Through July, August and September all of our customers will fight to decide the fate of the Konor System to see if it fallsinto the hands of Chaos. All armies can get involved and the final results will be written into Warhammer 40,000 lore!  Customers will fight for six planets over six weeks. Each planet will have a specific story, mission, weekly special rules and gaming theme, and will be affected by the results of the previous planet(s).  Customers will be able to post results by logging ‘games won’ or newly painted datasheets in your store.
There are 3 stages to the campaign:
Promotion – between 17th June and the 1st July.
Army Muster – between 1st July and 27th July
Campaign – between 27th July and the 10th September
From the launch of all of our new Warhammer 40,000 products we will be promoting the fact that we are running a Global Online Campaign from the 27th July.
Promotion: Talk to all of your customers about the upcoming campaign both in your store and on your storeFacebook page – get them excited.
Muster: This is the time for customers to choose which faction they will fight with and to build and paint their forces ready for the battles ahead.  Additionally each week of the campaign will have a ‘theme’ with a selection of products that will count for double points during the campaign (see below) and the muster gives them an opportunity to buy, build and paint these units in advance!
Campaign: Customers can post results in your store by playing and winning games or by painting a new datasheet’s worth of troops. They can post a win for Chaos, a win for the Imperium or in the case of all other forces remove a win from either the Imperium or Chaos!
Konor Map
On each of the six planets some units feature more prominently than others.
Customers will get double points in the campaign for using a force that contains one or more of these units OR paints a datasheet that contains this unit type.  We are going to let our customers know these themes right from the beginning:
Week 1: Space Marines and Start Collecting! sets
Week 2: Elites
Week 3: Tanks
Week 4: Psykers
Week 5: Fast Attack/Flyers
Week 6: Lords of War/Scenery
We learnt a lot from our Season of War Online Campaign… The interactive website for The Fate of Konor is going to be amazing and will let your customers know the impact of their battles in your store and how the campaign is going globally.  It will include downloads, countdowns, videos and much, much more…
We have put together a cool campaign pack to help you have a fantastic time in your store over the period of the campaign. It will include:
Astaramis Mission/Stratagem envelope: Astaramis is the first planet to be fought over in the campaign and has a Unique Mission and weekly special rules – open this envelope on the 27th July and use it for your gaming activities in week one.
Please note: each week’s new Missions and weekly special rules will be emailed to you and will also be available on the campaign website.
Army Roster Sheets: This is a pad of 50 roster sheets. Give them to customers so they can write out an army list and record their Command Points etc. – feel free to
photocopy them if you need more!
Window Poster: Put this up in your store window to show customers that you are running Fate of Konor activities.
Campaign Map and Map Stickers: This massive campaign map will show off all the planets in the Konor System and will look great in your store. Use the campaign map stickers to show which force controls each planet at the end of each week of the campaign.

Games Workshop is doing everything in their power to make this launch one of the biggest we’ve ever seen, and so far they’re doing a fantastic job. These new campaign and support items are sure to catch an eye or two, after all it’s kind of hard to miss a six foot Primaris Space Marine.

What do you think of all the new campaign and items to help out with the launch of the new edition?

Dark Imperium Pre OrderLatest  8th Edition News & Rumors from Games Workshop