8th Edition 40k NOT Coming This Fall? – NEW RUMORS

By Rob Baer | May 17th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Is the sky falling for 40k players, as the internet is abuzz with news of a new edition of 40k? Come see the latest on the rumored next edition of 40k!


Grab you salt shakers folks and dig in to the latest:

Sad Panda is chiming in today about the supposed new 8th edition of 40k:

New edition won’t arrive in 2016.

But they will (and kinda already do) move the story forward.

Coming on the heels of more from him about the new reboot of Age of Sigmar (this summer), this is starting to make more sense…

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What We Heard Yesterday:

TWO big sources are saying the following:

BoLS has been informed by Mikhael the following:

Games Workshop will release a new streamlined 40k Edition in Autumn.

ytook (DISQUS) says: 5-16-2016

Expect 40k to have a shake up later in the year!
“It won’t be as drastic as Warhammer, but it will be quite a change.”
More stream lined and easier to pick…’and’I was talking to Ally Morrison and Andy Dunn (They were near the entrance) I know Andy from a while back and during our chat 40k came up…
Well, about how cumbersome it’s become.
Any way.
He said the quote above….

Well its been two years this month since 7th Edition dropped. But with the amount of supplements out there, and rules synergy I would be VERY surprised if any new edition of 40k took a huge hit to the rules.

If anything I could see them making it “less clunky” and more “streamlined” but fundamentally the same rules wise.  Would you jump into 40k from scratch with the way it is now? I can’t say  that 12 year old Rob Baer would, so maybe that is the aim of any tweeks to the core rules after all.

Check back tomorrow for some DEEP thoughts on how this may and may not work and why.

40K New Edition Roundup

~Have at it – what do you expect they will with a new edition?
Are the New 40k Flyer Rules OP? – Long War Podcast Episode 51