8th Edition Necrons: Bad In 40k, Good In Kill Team

By Wesley Floyd | August 31st, 2018 | Categories: 40k Kill Team, Necrons, Warhammer 40k News

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Necrons have been given a bad reputation in 8th edition 40k. With very few good units in their army, they’re surprisingly effective in Kill Team.

Necrons look like they may have gotten the short end of the stick in 8th edition, but Kill Team is where it’s at.

Let’s take a look at what makes Necrons so good in the Skirmish setting.


necron army

Reanimation in Kill Team works totally different from Reanimation in 40k, but it’s still incredibly powerful.

In Kill Team, when a unit is wounded, you roll a D6. On a 1-3, they take a flesh wound. If they roll a 4-6, they die. If a model already has a flesh wound on him, he can get injured one more time before he dies. (He just has to roll a 1-2).

However, for Necrons, they reanimate on a 6+ whenever they make a save. What are we saying?

Let’s say in one phase of shooting, you do a flesh wound to a warrior. The next phase of shooting, you do another flesh wound. Then you charge him and end up wounding him one more time. But, because the Necron player rolled a 6, he’s now back to full health and all the flesh wounds are removed.

It may not seem like that big of a deal at first, but there’s not a lot of dice rolling in Kill Team compared to 40k. Every shot needs to count and you could end up wasting two rounds of shooting just to have a Necron go back to full health.

Mindshackle Scarabs


Mindshackle Scarabs is a 2CP stratagem that can be used during the start of the shooting phase. That means that even if the Necron players goes second, he can still shoot before you with your own unit.

minshackle scarabs

How does he shoot if it’s not his turn? Well, the Mindshackle Scarab takes control of one of your units and it can immediately shoot at another unit. The range of the stratagem is only 6″ from a Necron model so keep your special weapons back because plasma fire directed at your own Space Marines (for example) can cause some serious damage.

Each player gets 2Cp a turn and that means they can effectively use the stratagem each round just as long as their leader is alive. Be careful when you go against Necrons in Kill Team. They are brutal.

8th Edition Necrons: Bad In 40k, Good In Kill Team

What do you think about Necrons in Kill Team? Have you played against them yet? What Kill Team do you play? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

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