8th Space Wolves New Stratagems & Traits Revealed

space wolves logan grimnar hor walChapter Approved is almost here and this time we’re getting a look at the new rules for the Space Wolves. You’re not going to want to miss this!

Scanner is at it again, and this time we’re getting a look at the new rules for the Space Wolves from the upcoming Chapter Approved book. Let’s take a look.

Space Wolves Chapter Approved

The Space Wolves are getting a much needed upgrade with this new rules page. They’re getting a brand new relic, the Krakenbone Sword. This Relic can only be used on a model with frostsword, and it replace the bearer’s sword. The Krakenbone Sword is of course a Melee weapon and it has Strength +1, AP -4, and does 1 Damage.

With the new rules come a new Warlord Trait: Saga of the Warrior Born.

This allows you to always choose your Warlord to fight first in the fight phase, even if they didn’t charge. If the enemy charged, or similar ability, then alternate choosing units to fight with, starting with the player whose turn it is taking place. This can come in really handy in chopping your opponent down if you put it on a strong enough character as your Warlord.

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They’re also getting two new Stratagems, both costing 1 CP. True Grit lets you choose any Space Wolves Infantry unit that is within 1″ of an enemy unit in the shooting phase. Models in that unit can fire their auto bolt rifles, boltguns, bolt rifles, and bolt carbines as if they had the Pistol 2 Type.

The other new Stratagem is Cunning of the Wolf and it’s used during the Deployment phase when setting up a Space Wolves Infantry unit. You can set that unit up on the hunt instead of placing it. At the end of any of your movement phase the unit can join battle and must be set up wholly with 6″ of any battlefield edge, and more than 9″ away from any enemy models.

The Space Wolves are getting some nice additions with the new Stratagems, a new Relic, and a new Warlord Trait. The Pistol 2 Type ability that True Grit will be giving them is definitely going to be a possible game changer in close quarters.

Make sure you’re checking back in with us for the latest Chapter approved updates.

What do you think about the new rules for the Space Wolves? Are you looking forward to anything in particular? Let us know in the comments below.


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