9 Rules Changes To Know About 9th Edition Warhammer 40k

9th Edition 40k rumorsDon’t miss these 9 big rules changes for Warhammer 40k that are on the way for the 9th edition that GW said is on the way in just a few weeks.

The BIG online 40k GW Preview is are here! Most likely rescheduled from the canceled Warhammer Fest at the beginning of May, Games Workshop is revealing their latest news and previews on Twitch and Warhammer Community today!

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Sure, we’ve seen a few teasers about new 40k here and there over the past weeks, however here’s the latest straight from GW now!

With hype train at full speed, there are Nine new things to be happy for involving the new edition.

9 Rules Changes To Know About 9th Edition Warhammer 40k

1 polish1- First up is polish.

Every new update brings more polish to the game, as we get better playing and GW gets better at designing, the game gets more and more polished over time. The newest edition is no different (hopefully).

2 narrative play

2- Crusade System

Second is a brand new immersive narrative system! The new Crusade system will allow you to add custom rules to armies and have them grow over time.

3 more command points

3- More CP’s

The third is more command points! Who doesn’t love command points? Lost a roll you “shouldn’t” have? Just re-roll it!

4 tanks are op

4- Steel Behemoths

The fourth is about tanks! Don’t you hate it when your tanks can’t shoot because a tiny grot charged it? Tanks can shoot in combat now! Go ahead and run to your death grot!

5 terrain

5- Terrain Reworked

The fifth is a terrain rework from the ground up. A slew of new possibilities is on the way. Bonuses defending buildings or trying to sneak up on enemies are just two mechanics talked about.

6 more sizes of games

6- Size of Games

The sixth is all about size. Everyone knows the standard game size for 40k is 2,000 points, but now the game is balance across more sizes. Want to play a quick hour game? Go for it. New balance brings new options, you no longer have to dedicate huge amounts of time to play, you can squeeze in quick games when you want to!

7 new reserve rules

7- Reserves

The seventh is new rules with reserves. Better reserve rules mean more fun with friends casually and more opportunities to show your prowess in competitive settings!

8 big guns


The Eighth is regarding explosive weapons. Explosive weapons deal max hits to large swarms of enemies! Large swarms are more likely to get hit by shrapnel so this makes perfect sense.

9 aur rules

9- Flyers in 40k

The final is aircraft rules. New rules involving aircraft means they will feel more like aircraft! Warthog strafing runs in progress, look for cover.




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What do you think about these new rules? Are you just waiting for a full reveal? Are these good ideas for GW to head towards?

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