New 40k Supplements, Terrain: Pricing & Details

warhammer-pre-ordersHere are the pricing and lineup for the new 40k terrain and supplement releases that are on pre-order right now across the globe.

The new supplements and terrain sets are here as this week’s release. Check out the new releases and everything that will be on pre-order for delivery on October 3rd!

Crusade: Beyond the Veil $40

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games

crusade beyond the veilInside this 112-page mission pack you will find:

– Six new missions each for Combat Patrol, Incursion, Strike Force and Onslaught sized games
– A selection of new Battle Traits and Crusade Relics
– A swathe of gaming material, including a new Theatre of War and a glossary

Chapter Approved: Tactical Deployment $40

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games

Chapter Approved Tactical DeploymentInside this 104-page mission pack you will find:

– 18 new missions divided between Combat Patrol, Incursion, Strike Force and Onslaught sized games
– A Tactical Terrain roster and recommended Tactical Deployment tournament scoring sheet

Battlezone Manufactorum Datasheet Cards $25

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games

manufactorium data sheet cardsInside this 22-card pack you will find:

– 9x Tactical Terrain datasheet cards
– 9x Terrain datasheet cards
– 3x rules cards (1x Battlezone: Manufactorum Abilities Card, 1x Battlezone: Manufactorum Theatre of War Card, 1x Battlezone: Manufactorum Agendas Card)

Battlezone: Manufactorum – Vertigus $150

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games


Vertigus sprue


vertigus sprue 2


vertigus sprue 3


vertigus sprue 4


vertigus sprue 5This multipart plastic terrain set includes the components to build:

– 1x Storage Fane* (a ruined building made up of two constituent ruined pieces of terrain)
– 1x Sub-cloister* (a ruined building made up of two constituent ruined pieces of terrain)
– 1x Engine Shed*
– 1x Auto-choral Transmitter
– 1x Thermo-exchanger Shrine
– 14x Thermo Pipes

It also includes:

– 2x double-sided, fold-out card gaming boards (each measuring 30″x22.4″)

if you want to check out the value of this box, click here for our breakdown.

Sub-Cloister and Storage Fane $60/Sanctum Administratus $80

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games

sub cloister and storage fane plus aministratusSub-Cloister and Storage Fane sprues:

Sub-Cloister and Storage Fane sprue 1This multipart plastic terrain set includes the components to build:

– 1x Storage Fane (a ruined building made up of two constituent ruined pieces of terrain)
– 1x Sub-cloister (a ruined building made up of two constituent ruined pieces of terrain)

Sanctum Administratus sprues:

Sanctum Administratus sprue 1


Sanctum Administratus sprue 2This multipart plastic terrain set includes the components to build:

– 1x Sanctum Administratus (a large building made up of three constituent ruined pieces of terrain)

Munitorium Armoured Containers $55/Munitorum Conservators $40

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games

Munitorium armoured containers and conservators

Armoured Containers sprues:

Armoured Containers sprue 1This multipart plastic terrain set includes the components to build:

– 3x Munitorum Armoured Containers
– 9x Promethium barrels
– 12x Supply crates

Conservators sprues:

Conservators sprue 1


Conservators sprue 2This multipart plastic terrain set includes the components to build:

– 1x Munitorum Armoured Container
– 3x promethium barrels
– 4x supply crates
– 1x trailer
– 2x Galvanic Servohaulers
– 1x servohauler tool box
– 1x fire extinguisher

Check out the latest releases from Games Workshop that for the most part is out now on store shelves and available for delivery from online sellers as well!

Available Now: Warhammer Underworlds Arena Mortis

new-releases-warhammer-40k-use-me-now-wal-horThe Warhammer Underworlds: Arena Mortis release that was on pre-order last week is here, so don’t miss what is available to order now!

Check out the latest releases from Games Workshop that for the most part is out now on store shelves and available for delivery from online sellers as well!

Warhammer Underworlds Arena Mortis

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games or Amazon!

Beastgrave arena morits

Inside the set, you’ll find:

– 20 all-new Gambit cards – designed for Arena Mortis but usable in ANY of your games
– 20 all-new Upgrade cards – also usable in ordinary games of Warhammer Underworlds
– A double-sided game board to play on, compatible with all existing Warhammer Underworlds boards
– Tokens and Cards for keeping track of the game
– Updated cards for the Restless Dead gambit and the Sepulchral Warden, reprinted for your convenience incorporating the latest rules updates

Will you be venturing in the Underworld with a buddy? Are you excited for the next major releases?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!

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