9th Edition Deathwatch Codex 40k Rules Leaked!

Deathwatch-40k-hor-wal-titleDon’t miss all the new Deathwatch 40k rules from their 9th Edition codex supplement that were just spotted a tad bit early.

With the new book slated for release very soon, it only made sense we would get a little preview from GW. Yesterday Warhammer Community gave us a small smattering of rules, and now it looks like the majority of the book is up for all to see on Imgur.

What was posted covers a large portion of what’s in the supplement, and there’s a lot to break down, so let’s jump into it!

9th Edition Deathwatch Codex 40k Rules SPOTTED!

deathwatch supplementThis book is going to be a supplement, so just remember you’ll need the main codex as well. But if you’ve played Marines for a while, you’re used to using a million books! If you want to see more about the release lineup with pricing for the Deathwatch,  you can check it out here! But remember this release is going to be super allocated with only two of most items (and 8 codex books) available to your local game store.

For now, let’s dive into the rules spotted!

Points Costs:

Points CostThis is one of the better pics, so get out your glasses if you’re having trouble with this one! Nothing sticks out as too crazy for the points costs, but you can start building those lists!

Kill Teams:

Kill Teams

Kill Teams 2These are a little hard to read, but it’s nice to know all about how the teams are made up! With two brand new Kill Teams in the book, they will be more versatile than ever. Let’s see what GW revealed about the Kill Teams yesterday:

Purge abilitiesOne of the unique things about a Deathwatch army is the ability to form kill teams made up of different models. The codex supplement includes rules for four different types of kill teams. Including two brand-new ones. If you prefer to be sneaky, you’ll want to choose the Spectrus Kill Team. It’s made up of warriors clad in Mk X Phobos armor and lets you take advantage of a range of abilities.

Space Marine TacticsThese are in the Marine Codex, but you can take advantage of all of them in a single unit now. Deathwatch really needed access to these units, so it should help right off the bat.

Special-Issue Ammunition:

Special Issue AmmunitionLooks to be a bit of a NERF from before, but not bad. They still have a decent amount of variety and can really add very specific strength to your shooting.

Psychic Abilities:

Psychic RulesSome pretty cool powers in there! With the toughness of the kill teams, a few of these could be really powerful. Let’s compare these to the ones released by GW:

The Deathwatch get a new psychic discipline – Xenopurge. Despite its name, the powers are just as effective against non-xenos. If you’re up against a foe that is focused on close combat, unleash a Neural Void to rob them of some of their potency. 

New Psychic powerA great way to decrease the incoming power of a charging unit. Then you can just move a beefy unit forward and force them to only charge them.

Warlord Traits:

Warlord traitsIf you get headaches easily, maybe skip this one. But there are some really great traits in here! Just depends on what role you want your Warlord to play.

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Matched Play:

Chapter Approved RulesLooks like you’ll get a whole bunch of secondaries in the book! Some pretty fun and flavorful mission to achieve.

That does it for all the pics! Looks like you can start making lists early. If you want to see the rest that was posted, check it out over on Imgur here at this link.

What do you think about the rules? Does this get you more excited about the Deathwatch?

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