A Few Good Men Commander Pask: LORE

Screenshot_404Come and learn about an unlikely Tank Commander that rose the ranks of the Astra Militarum and became a legend among men.

Tank Commander Pask was graced his position under fire and threat of death he took the reins of a battered machine and took fate into his own hands Let’s find out more!

Via: Lexicanum

Pask first came to prominence as part of the Cadian 423rd Armoured Regiment when they battled against Waaagh! Gutcutta on the planet Cyris. Pask was assigned to the Leman Russ Battle Tank “Hand of Steel”. The battle raged and an Ork Bonecruncha eventually smashed through the Imperial lines, its Deff Rolla flattened the tank’s turret and killed the Hand’s Commander with ease. Pask assumed command of the ruined and battered tank and turned the tank around, and with the Ork Bonecruncha still smashing through the Imperial line, Pask demonstrated the twin talents which would earn him his reputation.


With uncanny perception, he noticed a join on the Ork machine’s back armor that had been inexpertly welded together; with equally uncanny precision, he fired a pinpoint lascannon shot that hit the join and detonated the machine’s crude engines. The Bonecruncha flipped over its own Deff Rolla in a victorious blaze. The Hand, still under Pask’s command, went on to rack up at least 14 confirmed armor-kills, defeating Ork Warlord Gutcutta’s assault.

Commander PaskPask did not take part in defending Cadia before it was destroyed during the Thirteenth Black Crusade, as the 423rd was traveling back from the Damocles Gulf having aided in dealing the Tau invaders of Agrellan a decisive blow. The shame he feels at not having fought and died defending his Homeworld alongside his compatriots is tempered by a cold resolve to bring ruin to the armies of Abaddon the Despoiler. Since that darkest of days, the 423rd Armoured Regiment has achieved many victories but now has to absorb depleted regiments from other worlds in order to maintain their fighting strength.

They are not the only surviving Cadian Regiment that has done so, as having trained various Militarum Regimentos across the Imperium, the Cadians are no strangers to drilling foreign troops to fight in the style of the Shock Troops. Still, these foreign Guardsmen are not true Cadians, and there is often resentment among these proud warriors at having to formally admit lesser soldiers into their ranks.

Commander Pask

Amongst the 423rd though, Pask quashes such imprudent notions and those Cadians he fights with, are made to understand that Imperial victories are more important than insularity and nostalgic pride. Rather than petitioning new recruits from the Departmento Munitorum however, Pask evaluates the skills of the foreign tank crews he fights alongside.

If a crew of Valhallan or Athonian tankers exhibits exceptional prowess in combat, they will be requisitioned by Pask himself for service in the 423rd. Word has spread of the Steel Tithe and the tankers of various regiments now vie for this summons, for to fight alongside the Imperium’s greatest Tank Commander is an honor without equal. As a result, those foreign tank crews who come to serve in the 423rd are without fail, amongst the most skilled in the galaxy. However, regardless of their experience or accolades, those who are recruited in Pask’s Steel Tithe are drilled as new recruits, until they have become as tempered as any true Cadian.

Find Out More About Commander Pask!