The Leviathan is a Fortress & a Tank: Conversion Corner

The LevithanWhen the Imperium of Mankind needs to expand their empire they send out all the best machines the Mechanicum can build!

Here are the latest conversions from the community, brought to us by Barbarian Painting on Spikey Bits Hobbies Facebook Group.

The Levithan!

The Levithan

Some more progress on the Levithan. The top levels and main gun are now fully assembled, and the gun turrets are sanded to fit, although I suspect they will need a bit more sanding once there’s some paint on there.

The Levithan

While I enjoy detailing vehicles there just isn’t a lot to add to this one. I added the little Maple leaves as a nod to where I live, Canada, and left it at that for the hull. Weirdly, with all the detail added, the designer never added a door to get from the landing pad into the tower, so I find a suitably door-looking piece that fits quite neatly and used that. Once it’s painted I think it would be cool to add some crates or something to the landing pad, but that is a future problem.

The Levithan

“Why do they still fight?”

Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics!