A Guardian Stone on the Path Ahead? New GW Rumor Engine!

gw rumor engine

A new rumor engine is here and it’s something we didn’t really expect. GW has given us a new look into one of their projects so be sure to check it out now!

Warhammer Community previewed a new bit for their rumor engine right on time. While everything is in the same format as normal rumor engines, this one stands out from all the others we’ve seen so far.

A Guardian Stone on the Path Ahead?

rumor engine 10-29-19

The main reason why this rumor engine stands out so much is that it looks like it’s on a GW base with foliage already placed around it. While the tall weeds look like painted pieces of plastic, the other smaller blades of grass look to be scenic tufts. So what could this be?

skyrim guardian stone

If you’ve played Skyrim, you might remember the Guardian Stones that you would find across the map. These had engravings and would give bonuses if you chose to activate that stone. Whatever is in the bit for the rumor engine, it doesn’t look too far off from the Guardian Stones.

So with that covered what game will it be going to and what could it be a part of? As far as we can tell, something like a magical stone fits the realm of Age of Sigmar much more. However, because it’s so small in size, it probably won’t be a new faction terrain piece. There may be some more faction overhauls in the near future that may bring a special stone or two with them to fight.

As for what’s engraved on the bit itself, it looks somewhere between a bull and something with a beak. There is also a clear “A” inscribed on the very center.

What do you think this could be a part of? Is it a magical stone or something else? What faction can you see this belonging to?

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