A Hideous Mix of Steel & Flesh: Nurgle Conversion Corner

nurgle death guard

When the Death Guard really want to kill something dead, they bring out their biggest mutations: the Titan Legions of Nurgle!!

Come see one awesome model brought to us by Jim Sherman of Sci-Fi-Guy Modelworks.

I am close to finishing the Chaos Titan, just a couple of small bits to mold and cast and finish the painting! 5 years of off and on work, I will be happy to finally get it done!

nurgle death guard

When you want to see a titan corrupted to the extreme, look no further then Nurgles Titans.

nurgle death guard

Being a hideous mix of both metal and flesh they grow out of control.

nurgle death guard

“Oh god, what’s that screaming!”

Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics!