A Mad Max Orkpocalypse Army: Adepticon Showcase

Two Meks Enter, One Mek leaves! Don’t miss this insanely customized Ork army at Adepticon that caught a lot of attention!

Adepticon 2019 managed to bring players from all around the globe under one roof. With that, there were tons of beautiful armies and competition. Let’s check out this Ork army that really had a post-apocalyptic wastelander feel to it.

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A Mad Max Orkpocalypse Army: Adepticon 2019 Showcase

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This army took on the full look of a post-apocalyptic desert party. While the vehicles are Orkish, all of the drivers and fighters are regular dudes in punk outfits.

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What better place is there for two walkers to duke it out in an arena than a desert? The crowd is going wild with the light and paint effects!

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Using the Speed Freeks buggies, these wastelanders skirted across the tables and right into melee combat.

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The Warboss on a Wartrike has a new look. Check out this custom version with two bikes pulling him in a rugged chariot.

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Who would’ve thought some Necromunda models would’ve paired soo well with classic Ork weaponry? These Tankbustas and shoota Boyz never looked so good.

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In a wasteland scenario, you can’t let anything go to waste. It looks like these guys dug up some ancient Necron vehicle and made sure they put it to good use.

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And of course, at the end of the day…there’s nothing like passing out on the hood of your scrapped-together car and wait for another fight to break out tomorrow.

This army is absolutely full of conversions and crazy paint jobs. What do you think about this Ork force? What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever converted? Do you use Necromunda bits in your army? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group. 

We move fast taking pictures when we’re guests at tournaments helping to cover the event for them. If this is your army and you would like the full-size images or credit added to the article, just email us: support AT