A New Character Appears – 40k Eagle Ordinary

By Richard McKey | December 1st, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Web Comic


Who is this mysterious…. slightly incompetent… stranger?! What does his arrival mean?

Enter Hobbs!

Cometh the hour… cometh the man. We meet a new member of the Ordinaries this week. Is he the key to the squad’s salvation? Will he provide the dynamic leadership they need to see this through?!

Swing by next week to find out just what Hobbs is made of!

We’re getting ready for the holidays here at Eagle Ordinary HQ, and Kaiser is making some holiday post-cards!


Keep up with us on our Facebook page! Eagle Ordinary Facebook Page


Visit for back Issues -Eagle Ordniary Comic Page.

See you next time, Ordinaries!