A New Light Sentinel Sprints into Horus Heresy: Solar Auxilia Hermes

Solar Auxilia Light Sentinel 3The plastic Solar Auxilia are getting another reinforcement as GW just revealed the new Hermes Light Sentinel for Horus Heresy!

The Solar Auxilia are humanity’s finest mortal troops, and they’re coming to the battlefield with a range of new plastic kits! This is the first kit we’ve seen since the huge reveal at LVO, and GW is keeping up with its promise to add more plastic to the line! Just keep in mind that this won’t be in that big launch box.  Even if you don’t play Horus Heresy, these would make for one of the coolest Guard regiments out there!

The Solar Auxilia Hermes Light Sentinel Sprints into Horus Heresy!

Here is the latest on the Solar Auxilia Heremes Light Sentinel for Horus Heresy:

Solar Auxilia Light Sentinel

It might look like it’s missing a few armour panels, but the stripped-down appearance is all in service to its speed and manoeuvrability. This light and efficient Sentinel is a favourite for striking exposed enemy flanks and isolated command units, then melting back into cover before significant resistance can muster.

They’re typically equipped with a multi-laser for deadly anti-infantry punch, but can swap it for a heavier Hermes grenade launcher that trades range for versatility. A volley of high-powered krak grenades can even threaten armoured tanks, once the Light Sentinel darts around to target their vulnerable sides and rear.

If you don’t want the heavily armored version, here you go! Charge up the field quickly with this, take a position, and destroy what you can on the way.

Solar Auxilia Light Sentinel 1

The Hermes has a heavier-armoured, more aggressive sub-pattern for the elite Veletaris sections. Though a touch slower thanks to its additional armour, the Incursus pattern of Hermes Light Sentinel packs an even more fearsome arsenal to make use of the Veletaris driver’s superior skills.

If you want a little more armor, luckily, you don’t have to buy a separate kit. They mentioned each box would have two walkers and could be built into either variant.

Solar Auxilia Light Sentinel 2

Veletarii Sentinels are safe to support the vicious frontal assaults that the Veletaris tercios are famous for, and harry fast-moving Legiones Astartes units who could sweep away lighter Sentinel squadrons. Their searing volkite calivers can be swapped for heavy flamers for close-range breakthrough actions.

It looks like you’ll get a ton of weapon options for this kit, and we’ll never complain about more bits. With the promise of more plastic kits to come, the Solar Auxilia is definitely a line to watch out for.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

Will you be picking up any of the new Solar Auxilia models in plastic, and what do you think about the Solar Auxilia Light Walker? 

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