A Popular 40k Battlebox Getting Reshipped to Stores This week!

By Rob Baer | August 20th, 2021 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

warhammer logo wal hor storeIf you missed out on the last big Warhammer 40k battlebox release, we have some good news for you this week!

Retailers across the US are reporting that a second wave of the Hexfire Battlebox featuring the Grey Knights and Thousand Sons will be in stores this week, giving hobbyists a chance to scoop up the new minis inside!

This is good news as the box set has already started to sell at a premium on places like eBay over the week, fetching $50 over retail already.

Whether you’re looking to start either of these armies or just expand your existing collection, this one was a good value for the money.  The price tag ended up being the same as the recent Sisters Piety and Pain box set which isn’t too bad considering the value.

Anyways… back to the value. Let’s check it out!

Hexfire Battlebox Warhammer 40k $170 

Hexfire box 2The box contains a total of 29 minis with 2 new characters for each faction.  Let’s start with the Grey Knights value then go to the Thousand Sons.

deamonslayer-knight mkii 2New MKII Design- Get it Now!

Hexfire box 3

  • 1x Strike Squad $60
  • Nemesis Dreadknight $60
  • Castellan Crowe $35 (Based on recent characters)

Grey Knights MSRP: $155

  • 5x Scarab Occult Terminators $60
  • Infernal Master $35 (Based on recent characters)
  • Tzangor Shaman $35
  • 10 Tzangors $44

Thousand Sons MSRP: $174

Overall MSRP: $329

Total Estimated Value: $159

So, if you break it down with a friend, you’ll be paying right around $85 a person and getting about $80 in value for each person. So, honestly, there is some value inside (about $10 more value than Piety & Pain) and the units included are pretty decent.

Hexfire box

While the Thousand Sons side gets a little bit more value, both factions grab a new mini and some useful units.

Get Your Hexfire Box Set Here Before it’s Gone Again!

Will you be picking this up? Do you like the units included in the box? Did you miss out on the first wave?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!

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