A True Army of One: Sly Marbo LORE

Sly Marbo

Come and learn about a true one man army that is a true pro at Jungle Warfare in the 41st Millennium. Let’s find out more about Sly Marbo.

He is adept in the art of stealth, survival, and grueling guerrilla warfare. He is no stranger to danger, He is Sly Marbro!

Via: Lexicanum

Guardsman Marbo is one of the fearsome “Catachan Devils”, the closest thing the Jungle Fighters have to the elite Storm Troopers who aid other regiments. A natural born survivor and a veritable one-man army, he’s the ultimate soldier and possesses skills that surpass any of the Imperium’s highly-trained operatives.

As a Catachan native, the jungle is his element, and he is capable of taking on entire enemy forces through his innate skill at jungle and guerrilla warfare. He strikes from seemingly nowhere and disappears back into the dense jungle. Marbo is famous for his excellent sniping skills and is considered to be one of the deadliest Humans in existence. It is not known whether or not the “Sly” part of his name is an earned name as per Catachan tradition, or a given one.

Sly Marbo

Mysterious and aloof, little is known about Marbo’s origins and most of what is said remains speculation. Only Colonel Traupman, Marbo’s original commanding officer, knows the truth of his past. It is said that Marbo was one of ten brothers inducted into the Catchan XII Regiment during fighting against Waaagh! Urgok on Ryza, where they were all killed. However, tales of a lone Guardsman returning two weeks later with the head of the Ork Warboss began to surface.

Marbo gained further renown as one of the few survivors who fought against the Dark Eldar incursion of Galabad. The small garrison of Jungle Fighters stationed on the planet were too few in number compared to the xenos hordes, eventually being overrun. Many historians recount the horrific details of long, dark nights of torture, in which the Catachan prisoners were dismembered whilst Wyches and the Mandrakes bathed in the blood of their victims. It was Colonel Traupman who led the relief force that eventually found Sly Marbo, standing alone and armed only with a knife, covered from head to toe in alien blood. Marbo was surrounded by destroyed vehicles, piles of alien bodies and the head of the Dark Eldar leader impaled on a spike beside him.

Sly Marbo

The myth of Private Marbo has since become legendary, he has fought his way from one end of the galaxy to the other attached to various Catachan regiments, most notably the famed Catachan II. Within this regiment, Sly works alone – commanders need only give him the order and he will hunt down and kill enemy leaders, break the back of enemy advances and sabotage the mightiest of war machines.

On Pardus, it is said that he destroyed a Tau armored convoy by booby-trapping an entire ravine, while on Sask’s World he captured a command post single-handed, slaying the alien leader and all of its tentacled bodyguards with just his bare hands and a ration tin. It is said that during the Octavius War Marbo was deployed to blunt the efforts of Hive Fleet Leviathan, and hunted the chameleonic Lictors for sport. Marbo has a collection of medals that would rival an Imperial Warmaster, having been awarded the Star of Terra multiple times for his legendary exploits.

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