Ad Mech Won The Ork-Toberfest 2023: Top 3 Warhammer Armies

10th-Edition-Top-Army-Lists-to-Beat-Warhammer-40k-FridayAdeptus Mechanicus won the Ork-Toberfest 2023 undefeated, as these Warhammer 40k army lists were at the top spots!

The tournament is over, and now we can look at which lists managed to secure a place at the top! Check out what these winners brought into their armies.

Ad Mech Come Out Ahead at the Ork-Toberfest 2023

We can look back at the event thanks to Best Coast Pairings as if we were all there ourselves. Save $20 by subscribing for a year of BCP by clicking this special promo link.

ORK-TOBERFEST 2023 top 8

3rd Place: David Trueman – Blood Angels

blood angels wal hor


David Trueman 1


David Trueman 2


David Trueman 3


David Trueman 4



2nd Place: Wayne Russell – Black Legion


Wayne Russell 1


Wayne Russell 2


Wayne Russell 3


Wayne Russell 4

1st Place: Ben Warrior – Ad Mech

Skitarii Adeptus Mechanicus Wal Hor


Ben Warrior 1

Ben’s Ad mech list featured a heavy focus on breaches, as led by two Dominus for enemy vehicle debuffs and giving a unit a feel no pain. Two Manipulus for lethal hits, and a one-time 4+ invulvn to its squad. Then there are also two Technoarcheologists for some deep-strike hate and a good +1 OBSEC rule.

Ben Warrior 2

Battleline keeps it simple with five units of Vanguard for cheap but solid bodies and potentially pairs up with one of the HQs above.

Ben Warrior 3

Transports help with three Duneriders to transport some infantry while protecting them and laying down for shots to boot.

Then, the namesake of their list, 3 Breachers, are almost half the point of the army and adds some durable medium-close ranged models that can dish out some serious value, as seen by his dedication to the unit in this list.

Ben Warrior 4

Finally the list closes on some Raiders to add more mobility and round out the points!

Click Here For More Top Warhammer Army Lists

What do you think about the 2023 top 40k army lists from the Ork-Toberfest 2023, including Ad Mech?

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