Ad Mech Have a 77% Win Rate According To This Data

engine war ad mechThe new Ad Mech 40k army is already taking heat as OP with a 77% win rate from this weekend according to this data.

These statistics come from the power of Reddit, where they put a bunch of recent tournaments together to see who is coming out on top. The data is always nice to have, but there are a few other things to take into account before we continue.

stock chart finance GW's ex-CEO Tom Kirby Heralds Dangerous Stock SlideFirst, some armies seem to have a very high or low win rate, but some of them only had one or two players (i.e a low sample rate). Meaning the codex itself may still not be “strong” but the people who went to the tournament were probably just really good at those armies.

Secondly, some armies have fairly low win rates which could be because they are played by way more people and often not as experienced players. So with that in mind, let’s check out some data!

Ad Mech Have a 77% Win Rate According To This Data

We’ll be taking a look at the Four GTs from over the weekend.

GT data


GT data 2 According to Reddit, Ad Mech went with 3 first-place finishes and a single second place. That sounds a little OP to us… Still, since the book is so new, generally it’s a lot of people who have either played them for a long time, meaning they have a ton of experience with them or people who chase the meta and play a lot of tournaments-meaning they are also really good!

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Drukhari took second place but seems to have kind of fallen off as the flavor of the month. Dark Angels have also come out swinging with first place and second place. So right off the bat, the new books look pretty OP, but let’s look a little deeper…

Digging Deeper

Tournament Data


Tournament Data 2So… the numbers are pretty convincing Ad Mech is powerful, with 12 different people playing them and an insane 77% win rate according to this data.  The “previously OP” Drukhari still had 16 people playing them and managed almost a 60% win rate, so not really OP, but a very strong book still.

Primaris wal hor space marines power armorSpace Marines fell below the 50% win rate, but, there are a few factors to take into account. First, a lot of people play Space Marines who don’t chase the meta and that’s just their army, so it’s hard to say how strong the book is because they get a ton of players who just play the army.

Lastly, Grey Knights and Black Templar did well, but only 3 people played them in total. So it’s very possible that those players are hobbyists who are really good at those armies, and have played them for years!

Do you think the newest book will always be OP? What surprised you from the data?

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