Adepticon 2011 Team Champions, Spikey Bits / Wrecking Crew!

Well if you haven’t heard by now, team Spikey Bits / Wrecking Crew won the 2011 Adepticon Team Championship.  Our team featured the talents of Kenny Boucher (Wrecking Crew, Next Level Painting), TPM Paul Murphy (Wrecking Crew), Joshua Ginn, and myself MBG Rob Baer (Spikey Bits, Wrecking Crew).

Part of the Adepticon Weekend the Team Championship is a grueling event, this year with over 400 participants, (that’s over 100 teams)!  They basically invented the format, and some players come to Adepticon just for this event! Each round takes a player’s 1,000 point list and pairs it up with a teammates at random forming a cohesive legal 2,000 point army. The last round is paired via captain’s choice, so the strongest versions of each 2,000 point army can be fielded.
So it may come as no surprise that we ran Blood Angels, because as Marine armies go they seem to be the most powerful. They also have several good competitive builds that make them extremely popular on the tournament circuit. Now I have to preface this with the fact that Grey Knights are out and gaining in popularity, but there are still many Blood Angel players out there. Comparing and contrasting the two is probably an article for another day, suffice to say that the ability to take an Initiative 6 Halberd, most certainly gives the GK’s the edge between the two at first glance.  

The army we took is pretty simple and I regret that I don’t have the exact lists we ran, but the basic 2000 points are below. Each one had two HQ’s that varied between Mephiston, Dante, Sanguinator, and a Librarian with jump pack.
  • 4 Five Man Assault Marines- 1 Melta, Rhino Extra Armor, Dozers
  • 2 Ten Man Assault Marine Squads, Power Weapon, 2 Meltas
  • 3 Sanguinary Priests one with jump pack and a power weapon
  • 2 HQ’s
  • Two 5 Man Devastator Squads with 3 Rockets and 1 Lascannon.
The basic premise of the list is to close with the enemy using the fast rhinos as cover for the Assault Troops, and engage. Simple and effective, but you always have to keep in mind the Red Grail’s radius out from the priests, as well as Sanginator’s +1 attack bubble. It’s pretty critical to keep those intact not just on the charge, but also after consolidation moves as well.  Once you get good at doing this, you can master the list and move on to more complicated combinations of units.  
Here’s what each of our opponents fielded and a brief summary of how my team’s 2000 points did against them.
Game 1 vs. Tyranids
This is the game that inspired the whole TPM rant on BoLS about not showing army lists with all your units abilites/ stats/ wargear on it. Debate aside there, we won the day by pincering the Nid Horde with Sanguinator on one side and Mephiston on the other.  The monstrous creature tally was high that day, with Mephiston reaping a terrible toll.
Game 2 vs. Battlewagon / Nob Biker Orks
Our opponents were a French Canadian team that while very keen on rules, and tactics, were a little rusty on judging distances. After seizing and disabling the Battlewagons, I continuously pushed up my rhino wall daring the Nob Bikers to charge into them and thus springing the trap of awaiting assault troops. Instead they kept falling back, but eventually the retreating Orks were caught in assault and trapped into a war of attrition they could not win.  Blood Angel Victory.
Game 3 vs Space Wolf Mechanized
We just pushed our line straight in and engaged the Sons of Russ point blank. While losses were heavy on our side, we managed to contest the necessary objective while securing ours (even with a late game backfield thrust by some mischievous wolf scouts.) Blood Angels Victory.
Game 4 vs. Fatecrusher (playing on table one)
After landing and being engaged immediately midfield Fateweaver and his merry band of Blood Crushers held on the the bitter end, almost draining enough of our forces to deny victory. Eventually the combine forces of the wonder twins, Mephiston and Sanguinator, carried the day and managed to hold the remaining line. Blood Angels Victory

Overall we played four great games, and had a blast. The terrain was great, everything was kept running smooth, and in the end we took it all.  I would hands down recommend the event to any and all who are even thinking about it. 

(Right: Kenny Boucher from Next Level Painting)
So that’s it for this adventure folks, hopefully soon I’ll have a report from our victory at the American Team Championships, and my second overall at placing at the Grim Open Nova Qualifier.

If you are looking to build your own championship level Blood Angels army checkout the Spikey Bits Store, we got all the bits, and models you’ll need to make it happen! -MBG