They Are The Law! – Arbites Conversions

Female_Arbiter_ravenore_DV - Copy (2)
 Riot Control! Checkout these awesome Arbites Conversions from Cadaver.

Hello everyone! Cadaver here from Home Of Cadaver. Following my previous posts over my Adeptus Arbites project I would like to show you my Suppressor squad.
I wanted to create a squad using the lovely heads I got over a long time ago from Maxmini miniatures and the shields I got from Zinge Industries.




For the leader of the squad I used the limited edition event only Forgeworld Imperial Enforcer. A lovely miniautre that I can’t wait to get it painted!

For the rest of the conversion, I used Space Marines Scout legs, Cadian torsos and various hands from space marines and Cadians with greenstuff to achieve the pose I wanted. Finally the power mauls are made from Berzerker chainaxes and power axes, with the axe chopped off. I finished the models using resin bases from Models and Minis.

I still want to add some things before I get them to the painting table, but they are more or less finished. I would love to hear what you think.