Adeptus Tikianicus – Best Spirit: Adepticon 2016


The crew from Tikianicus are here and they live only to serve the Machine God, well that and to drink. Come see the madness that won them best spirit this year!


Come meet one of the most outlandish groups at this year’s adepticon; oh, and by the way, they hope to get you drunk.

The Tiki Gods originally met, far outside the ring of fire, in Boston. The name was borne partly out of necessary and partly out of random chance.


“Jared and I registered for our first team tournament and he called me up and asked what our team name should be. I had just found my obsession for Tiki so I said we should call ourselves the Tiki gods,” Barg said, “The first year we each played one of the chaos gods.”


The group has known each other since 2003, originally meeting at a now defunct Games Workshop store in Holyoke and Pandemonium books and games in Boston.


“We all play at different stores now but we al come back together for Adepticon,” Barg said. “We kind of decided that each year we would have a different theme. We stated with Choas, then Eldar, the we had a badab war theme. This year we wanted to have fun and do costumes and go over the top with it. So we decided we would do Adeptus Tiki-chanicus.”


The Tiki’s themselves, as pictured above, have been a mainstay since the first army and are have been used in all previous display boards as well in an effort to tie all the themes together.


That title was certinaly tested when the power went out Saturday morning. “We prayed to the Machine gods; Sprinkled our oils and the power did come back on.” Blarg said.


The Tiki God’s are comprised of: Pete Deflorio, who plays Raven Guard; Jared Friedman, who plays a Zeno hunters kill team; Jack Politis, who plays Cult Mechanicus, and Tyler Barg, who plays Skitarii


“I have put in at least 30 hours of work into converting up the void shield but another 400 into the fabric for the costumes.” Barg said, “Thankfully, my mechanical life partner, Cari, made the robes; I made the display board.”


The Tiki God’s said they came together yearly to celebrate their friendship and to make friendships which would hopefully last lifetimes and not until the end of the convention. Their hope is to meet new people each year and to continue meet up with them each year thereafter.


When we meet a new group we give them Tiki cups and fill it up with our favorite drink; if they bring it back to us the following year we fill it up,” Barg said, “This is our tradition and we intend to carry on until our lives run out.”


Smells like team spirit?