Adeptus Titanicus Cerastus Knight-Atrapos Rules Spotted!

Atrapos Titans featureA new Knight has appeared on the battlefields of Adeptus Titanicus- as GW reveals rules for the Mechanicum Cerastus Knight-Atrapos.

Today Warhammer Community revealed a bunch of new rules for this cool Knight! This variant was designed with a single purpose, to destroy Xenos and Heretical Titans. While most smaller Knights can really only take down void shields, these can destroy them entirely. They really shined in the Horus Heresy, destroying much larger foes with their singularity cannons. If you love running the smaller Titans but need the firepower, these are for you!

When you have a minute, you should also check out the other smaller Knights that just came out. Let’s dive a little deeper into the rules!

Adeptus Titanicus Cerastus Knight-Atrapos Rules Spotted!

Adeptus Titanicus Cerastus Knight-AtraposImperial Knights are a crucial part of many Adeptus Titanicus battlegroups. They provide support to the mighty Battle Titans that form the core of your force, and in numbers, they’re great for downing void shields and posing a threat to smaller Titans, like Warhounds. The larger god-machines tend to laugh off a Knight’s attentions – but they won’t be laughing at the Knight-Atrapos.

Singularity Cannon

Graviton CannonWith high strength and blast, this will tear apart smaller units with ease. And not even the armor of the bigger titans will be immune, also with it being concussive, it will leave the big Titans vulnerable to more firepower.

Macro-Extinction Protocols

Macro ExtensionNothing wrong with getting some better shooting! Rerolling 1’s will really help these destroy the larger scaled minis, but it also works in close range as well.


LascutterThey aren’t slouches in combat! They keep the same strength as their shooting weapons and get 2 attack dice with +1 to hit. This pairs perfectly with the rule above!

Defensive Stats

Special rules AtraposThis is a rule that a ton of the Cerastus Knights have. They are a little more survivable with regaining structure points and reducing damage. While it’s not the most reliable, it’s pretty nice!

That does if for the revealed rules, overall a pretty fun new little Knight that is on the way from Forge World soon!

What do you think about the new Knights? Will you be adding them to your forces?

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