With the Harlequin codex release coming up, we’ve been given more insight on new pics and rumored rules for the Aeldari Webway Gate.
The last time we talked about Aeldari webway gate, we thought it was just going to be a terrain piece with no rules. However, we have been given hints that it will actually have its own set of rules, and where they will be.
Images courtesy of Scanner.
Aeldari Webway Gate:
This months’ edition of White Dwarf Magazine featured the Aeldari Webway Gate, but here is that iconic image with the accompanying text:
So now that we know it will be coming with its own set of rules, we can only guess what they will be. Will it allow for some form of teleportation across the table or perhaps a way to get around the new deep striking FAQ?
We will have to keep a close eye out for this new datasheet when it drops, but there were some recent rumors that hinted at what this new piece of terrain may do:
This comes from a French Youtube Channel a couple weeks ago.
This is from the youtube channel French Wargame studio latest live, they said this yesterday and they were totally right about drukhari leaks in the live before this one.Information Tidbits
Codex harlequins :
– There will be a Portal Fortification, 120Pts Not under 14HP 3+ 5++ T8, that you will set everywhere on the table but more than 12inch of enemy and more than 6 inch of objective, that will give the possibility to ds units from it, with a strat similar to necron if he is destroyed you can set them. After the portal is destroyed unit are not forced to be more than 9’’ to the enemy. Strongly implied that this unit will be available to aeldari.
– A warptime spell for Harlequin unit
More big things to come:
We can only guess what will be in next months’ edition of White Dwarf Magazine as we move towards the end of the fiscal year for Games Workshop.
What do you think about the latest on the Harlequin release for Warhammer 40k?