Aeldari Webway Gate: Unbox & Build

Aeldari Harlequin

Games Workshop closes it’s fiscal year with Webway gate and Harlequin new releases. Check out our breakdown of these products as we build the new Webway gate.

Lets take a look at the last new stuff we’re getting from GW for their 2017 calendar. We’ve got the Harlequin book, the data cards, and the new Aeldari Webway Gate. Check out the changes you won’t want to miss out on in the Harlequin book and see what we think of the quality of the Aedari Webway Gate that is Chinese made.

Harlequin Codex

Harlequin book

There’s some important data sheet changes in the Harlequin book. GW changed up the points on the weapons and the streaker ammunition went down. That’s pretty cool because there are a lot of combinations you can put together with the Death Jester, making him the bane of small squishy characters.

Harlequin shadowseer

Another big change that could be to your benefit is Shadowseers get 2 psychic powers in the attempt to deny 1. The psychic chart in this book is big and varied which is a big change from the index.

Won’t get a chance to break down the Harlequin book fully this week but we did a good job on the podcast and the full reveal below:

Aeldari Webway Gate

aeldari box

Let’s move on now to the Aeldari Webway Gate! This massive model comes with four sprues for the two sides of the gate. You can see just how big this structure is, it’s too big to fit on camera!

Our biggest concern was cleaning up the mold lines on a model this big.

aeldari sprues

It ended up taking about 20 minutes to get one of the arches all shaved down and glued together. There are a few ‘gotcha’ parts we found when we put this together. One is at the bottom with one of the support struts.

It’s got a tricky connection you really have to think about before it will agree to go together. The other is further up, where the top half of the spire connects to the bottom half. If you don’t glue it together, you can easily break down the arch into to pieces for easy transport!

aeldari gate half

Make sure you subscribe to our YouTube and click play on the full video to see how well the arch goes together.