All The New Be’lakor 40k Daemon Rules

Gw-new-release-sm-be'lakor-new-rulesHere are all the latest Be’lakor 40k rules for what looks to be a new 9th Edition Chaos update.

We knew that Be’lakor was getting his time in the sun very soon and with the release of his AoS counterpart and book, which means the full 40k rules are on the way soon too!

You can find the full rules for Be’lakor in an upcoming supplement for Warhammer 40,000, so stay tuned to Warhammer Community to find out when you can bring the First Prince’s schemes to your tabletops.

 To learn more about that, you’ll have to keep your eyes peeled for his full rules coming later this year.

Let’s check out the datasheet and compare it to the current one.

All The New Be’lakor 40k Daemon Rules

GW put out a short post recently covering some of his new 40k rules – Let’s check it out.

blade of shadowsFirst, he’s got a standard sweeping attack which we will cover below, along with an ability to double attacks (now 12 total), which should help him dig out of horde combats.

The Piercing Strike however is great, and the stat line did seem to get changed last from +2S in his model Datasheet to  +4S in the GW preview. All that aside, the main power of these attacks is that they prevent invulnerable saves! That means he might just be one of the best character killers in the game moving forward!

Be'lakor 40k rulesHe is also getting a 4+ Invulnerable and -1 to wound rolls for incoming ranged shots.  Shadow Form is also pretty good, if he is attacked, the hit roll cannot be re-rolled, additionally, they must subtract 1 from it. These are both great to help make him tougher and last longer on the field, together they kinda push him over the top, he will be a massive pain to deal with.

New Be’lakor Daemon 40k Rules

There was an IKEA-style sheet of rules spotted in a PDF from GW so let’s compare it to the old sheet and see what’s changed.

Belakor old rules

Old rules

Be'lakor 40k Ikea

New Rules

New Bonuses: 

  • Wounds up to 16 (was 8)
  • Movement at 12″ degrading down to 6″ (was 14″ non-degrading)
  • Attacks at 6 degrading down to 4 (was 6 non-degrading)
  • Strength up to 8 degrading to 6 (was 6)
  • Toughness up to 7 (was 6)
  • Armor Save at 6+ (was 4+)
  • Sweeping Strike at -3AP and 1 damage (was -2AP 2 damage for talons)
  • Piercing Strike is at +2S? (preview said +4s), -4AP, and D3+3 damage (was +1S, -5AP, and flat 3 damage)

    What we don’t know:

    • Leadership debuff to enemies?
    • Re-rolls?

    Overall, Be’lakor has a ton of changes looking to make him stand apart from generic princes. Doubling the wounds on him is a great step, but he can be freely targeted and not bubble-wrapped. Losing damage on the talons/sweeping strike also hurts, especially with all those units going up to 2 wounds now. Hopefully, he keeps his re-rolls and maybe even gains some extra rules.

    What rule changes do you want to see from the rest of the Chaos lineup? Are you happy with the Be’lakor update?

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