All The New Necron Codex 40k Rules Datasheets

New-Necron-40k-New-datasheetsFrom Silent King to Canoptek Doomstalker, don’t miss all the Necron 40k rules datasheets for the units that coming in the new codex!

First, it was Indomitus and then came the second wave.  There are a ton of new units for the Necrons, (some of which are haven’t even gone up for pre-order yet) and we’re taking a closer look at all their new rules datasheets.

All The New Necron Codex 40k Rules Datasheets

TL;DR If you want to check out the rest of the Codex rules not on this page we got you covered below:

Dominion of Convergence

When you deploy these three models, they all have to be within 12″ of each other. After that, they’re all treated as a separate unit.

On top of getting three models for one drop, they give your Necrons some bonus Leadership which has been the Achilles heel to fat Warrior blobs. Each one of these is also coming with a pretty nasty short-range gun that is oddly…only S4 but doing -3AP 3 Damage.

dominion of convergence 2A Cryptek in your army is capable of moving these things around. He’ll have to start the process at the end of the movement phase. Then, at the reinforcement step of your next Movement phase, you can bring a Starstele outside of 9″ away from enemy models. If you’ve got the resources, you can leapfrog these things around the board and harass multi-wound models.

Silent King

For his weapons, there’s a little something to be desired here. Not gonna lie. An assault 3 S8 gun that can kill just about any elite-type unit is nice but for melee (which is where most named characters excel), he’s just kind of…killing Primaris? He gets 6 attacks that also degrade, albeit they are S9. But that 2-flat damage just seems a little lackluster for a dude who’s the head of the entire Necron race. At most, this guy can solo a unit of three Aggressors. Just kinda seems a little “meh” for such a dope looking model.

However, it looks like most of his power is his aura and abilities…

silent king walHe’s pretty much all of the buffs that a Phaeron would, but all of these hit Core and Triarch Praetorians. One of which is rerolling shooting hits and melee wound rolls. They turn off if his accompanying guards die. He can also make enemies fight last, generate extra CP, and has a deny. All of which are very strong.

Hexmark Destroyer

Overall, this guy looks like a re-skin of the GSC Kelermorph. Although the Kelermorph has S4 2dmg pistols, this guy has S6 1dmg guns. The Hexmark Destroyer does have six shots which is nice, but he also gets more shots for each model he kills with the first volley of shots. Overall, his stats just looks like a Guardsman’s worst nightmare.

This guy is definitely more geared toward killing screens whereas the Kelermorph looks to be the better option for elites.

C’tan Shard of the Void Dragon

void dragon datasheetThis guy has some solid stats to begin with. He’s not the fastest unit, but he’s not the slowest either. He’ll also be hitting consistently and able to avoid small-arms fire pretty comfortably. He’s also got the highest amount of wounds you can have without being shot at across the board which is nice.

The Spear of the Void Dragon’s shooting weapon is just the universe’s nastiest laser pointer. It hits like a truck and also melts anything between him and the target. The only bad part is that it’s got a 12″ range. At most, you’ll probably be able to clip a character or unit as a bonus when you shoot it. As for melee, he’s going to be hitting just as hard as shooting, but with five attacks hitting on a 2+. In both shooting and melee, he’ll also be doing a consisted 3+D3 damage against vehicles.

void dragonNecrodermis turns this dude into a Pseudo-Ghazghkull as well. He can’t lose more than three wounds in a phase. You can technically kill this guy in a single turn but it’s going to be tricky and never a guarantee. Oh, he can also regain wounds at the end of EACH phase. Overall, there’s not a single stat that looks bad on this guy. He looks like he’ll be the faction’s version of a pocket Primarch!

Ophydian Destroyers

Ophydian destroyers codex dataAs far as deepstriking, melee machines go these are beaters. At 5 power level, they won’t be too expensive, and for what you get they will almost certainly be worth it mucking up the enemy lines.


Psychomancer datasheetThis Necron character is another walking fear-monger-er. One such fear ability, Nightmare Shroud is simple enough, if enemies are within 6 inches of this unit they get -1 leadership and -1 to combat attrition. Solid and simple.



TEchnomancer data


Chronomancer dataWith the flavor of time-bending, their special ability helps to make it easier for your models to avoid fire. If a unit within 9 inches you can allow it to re-roll charge rolls and get a 5+ Invulnerable save until your next command phase.

Lokhust Heavy Destroyers

Lokhust Heavy Destroyers datasheetA straight upgrade from the old-school destroyers (now called Lokhust Destroyers) These pack a punch, with 2 solid profiles, one for lots of shots and one for a single large shell, they are flexible enough to do work in nearly any list.

Canoptek Doomstalker

Canoptek doom dataThese are very good. If you take three of them and have them stick together they can essentially pretend to be Tau and overwatch for each other. Not to mention their gun is seriously hard-hitting and might even be the best anti-armor option for Necrons.

Flayed Ones

Flayed ones datasheetAs is common with flayed ones who like to destroy all organic life, they get bonuses to non-vehicles. All unmodified 6s to hit against non-vehicles grant an extra hit! When all a model does is slap in melee, this may come up more than you think.

So there are all the datasheets for the new models that are coming out with the Necron reboot for 9th Edition 40k. We’ll be looking at the new Monolith in a separate post later on as well.

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What do you think about the new models? Are the changes fair and warranted? Which change has you most excited?

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About the Author: Andrew Schrank

Andrew Schrank

andrew schrank headshotJob Title: Miniatures & Warhammer Hobby Staff Writer

Socials: Facebook

About Andrew Schrank: Over the past 15 years, Andrew has played all the games, including tabletop and video games, and immersed himself in the associated lore. Andrew joined the Spikey Bits team in 2018 and covers the Warhammer hobby and tournament scene, along with the latest in tabletop miniatures, each week.

Aspiring diplomat, Lord of Fluff, and Master of Ice Hammer, He loves Star Wars, Chaos Undivided, and Gundam. During his free time, he hunts Platinum trophies on PS5 and reads international news. On weekends, Andrew plays commander and cEDH games, often with unique strategies that push the limits.

He believes each day presents a new opportunity to grow and be challenged.