All these GW New Releases came out just one year ago- take a look back at Warhammer in December of 2019!
Back before we knew what 2020 would hold, and how the hobby would be changed, this time last year saw a ton of releases from Games Workshop. Time to warm up your heart with some hobby love before the end of 2020! Also, if you still want to grab any of these releases, you can click on the header links as some are even still available on Amazon (just not all of them unfortunately by this point)
GW December 2019 Releases Week 1
The Battleforces hit in the first week of December last year, right after the Sisters of Battle Army box and Faith & Fury.
Blood Angels Crimson Spear Strike Force
Space Wolves Talons of Morkai
Chaos Space Marines Vengeance Warband
Tau Empire Starclaimer Hunter Cadre
Tyranids Bioswarm
Drukhari Poisonblade Raiding Party
Skaven Corrupting War-Swarm
Nighthaunt Court of the Craven King
Gloomspite Gitz Caveshroom Loonz
Mephiston: Lord of Death
40k 2019 Chapter Approved (SB)
Bringing all the points changes and other rewritings at the end of the year, the 2019 edition is coming packed with streamlined updates and this will (hopefully) stay relevant longer than the life expectancy of a codex after its first release.
Kill Team Annual 2019
Psychic Awakening: Blood of Baal
Adeptus Titanicus Knight Battleforce
Warcry Unit Boxes
Flash Back: GW December 2019 Releases Week 2
Slaves to Darkness Start Collecting
Slaves to Darkness Battletome 
Slaves to Darkness Warscroll Cards
Slaves to Darkness Endless Spells 
Azyrite Shattered Plaza Terrain Kit (Left) Azyrite Ruined Chapel (Right)

Warcry Tome of Champions
Aeronautica Imperialis Orks Eavy Bommers & Grot Bombs
Blackstone Fortress 2019 Annual
Bloodbowl Fire Mountain Gut Busters
Spike Issue 8
Ogre Team Dice
Ogre Team Pitch & Dugouts
Ogre Team Cards
You can have all the information on your team in the form of cards that fit right into a deck box.
Blood Bowl Almanac 2019
Flash Back: GW December 2019 Releases Week 3
December White Dwarf 2019
Black Library Court of the Blind King (HB)
MTO Blood Bowl Chaos Dwarf Team 
MTO Chaos Dwarves Blood Bowl Bull Centaur
Flash Back: GW December 2019 Releases Week 4
MTO Space Marines Vs. Chaos Dark Vengeance
MTO Dark Angel Characters
Flash Back: GW December 2019 Releases Week 5/January 2020
Aether War Box Set
Disciples of Tzeentch & Kharadron Overlords Battletomes
Tzeentch & Kharadron Overlord Warscroll Cards
Tzeentch Endless Spells
Tzeentch Dice
Black Library
There you have all the GW December 2019 Releases! Pretty fun to look back and see where things have gone. Also, it’s fin to grab some of these old kits!
How many of these releases did you end up picking up? What was your favorite?
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