All Your Base Pt. 2

Well it was a long week, but I managed to get the bases all painted up and the Nobz mounted on them.

Here are the bases, all finished up and flocked.  As you can see I trimmed some of the scrap bits down from the original design to make the overall base more streamlined. Some of the guys at TheWarStore mentioned that they were sticking out a little too far (they are usually spot on- thanks guys).

I painted them up in a desert scheme to match the rest of my Ork horde.  First I basecoated them with Scorched Brown, then drybrushed over that with Kommando Khaki, followed by Bubonic Brown. The metals were picked out with P3’s Pig Iron and washed with Devlin Mud. Then I used wood glue to affix GF9’s “Straw Grass” flock to them. I use the wood glue as opposed to super glue because I think the grass just looks “fuller” when it dries.

So now its time to mount the ladz on their new scenic bases. Of course I’d have to pin each of them down to their base, which is fine because now I can have them pulling off wheelies and doing tricks like a true speedfreak.

When I pulled them out for their “before” picture, I realized that I never added bits to them from the new plastic Nobz box. UGH! Looks like I have a new project, eh?

I did however heavily customize the Painboy, and the Warboss, so that’s two less I’ll have add bits too. Plus I’ll make sure to pick out the two best bases to mount them on, because they gotta get the most luvin. More on these two super heroes next time…..