Alternative Necron 40k Models: Best Third-Party Figures and Conversion Bits

best necron alternatives third party warhammer 40k bits models

Find the best third-party Necron models and conversion bits to create a custom Warhammer 40k army with alternative figures and parts.

Unleash Unique Necron Armies: Third-Party Figures, Custom Models, & Conversion Bits

General Grivus 2

So, you’re intrigued by the silent, deathless, robot overlords of the 41st millennium—the Necrons. Whether you’re new to the grim dark future or an old hand, you’ve probably noticed that third-party Necron figures and custom Necron models are all the rage. With Warhammer 40k evolving, there’s been a surge in demand for alternative Necron models and Necron conversion bits, allowing hobbyists to infuse their legions with a unique flair. Why settle for out-of-the-box when you can mix, match, and mod your way to an army that feels truly yours?

Click any of the links below to jump to the info you need the most, or just dig in from the beginning.

Third-Party Necron Figures and Custom Necron Models Breakdown

Necron Nightbringer 1From aesthetic upgrades to serious game advantages, taking the third-party route or crafting custom Necron figures has become a go-to choice for anyone looking to make their army stand out—whether on the battlefield or the display shelf.

Let’s break down why you might want to venture outside Games Workshop’s official range and dive into the world of custom models and bits.

Why Choose Alternative Necron Models?

Third Party Alternative Necron Figures and Models conversion bitsExpanding Your Army with Third-Party Necron Models

Picture this: your Necron army, an implacable tide of skeletal machines, marching toward their foes. Sure, they look awesome. But what if they could look… more awesome? That’s where third-party Necron figures come in. Companies like Wargames Exclusive or Artel W offer stunning, lore-friendly models that add variety and personality to your legions. These aren’t just cheap knock-offs. These are detailed, high-quality sculpts that fit right in with your official miniatures—while giving them that extra “oomph.”

Whether you’re adding a new Cryptek or immortalizing a particularly grim Overlord, third-party figures offer more options than the standard lineup. You can replace the tired, cookie-cutter poses with dynamic, character-filled designs. Plus, your opponents will definitely do a double-take when they see that your Necron army isn’t just another Tomb World carbon copy.

Another upside? Flexibility. Third-party Necron models allow you to experiment with different visual elements. From sleek, futuristic designs to more ancient, corroded looks, the range of options gives you the freedom to tailor your army’s appearance to your vision—whether that’s a battle-hardened elite force or an ominous horde straight out of a Necron dynasty’s darkest corners.

Custom Necron Models for Unique Armies

Necrons wal hor 2If personalizing your army wasn’t enough, building custom Necron figures takes things a step further. Imagine creating a Necron lord that’s not just fearsome but uniquely yours—stitched together from parts you’ve painstakingly chosen from a variety of sources. Conversions are where the magic happens. Maybe you’re using a mix of skeletal heads from Kromlech, mechanical limbs from Puppetswar, or ancient-looking weapons from Liber Daemonica. This approach not only makes your Necrons stand out but also gives you endless opportunities to tweak your army’s theme.

A lot of players want their Necron army to feel like it’s their dynasty—something no one else has. Using Necron conversion bits lets you do exactly that. Fancy giving your Necron Warriors a bit of extra “life” (or death)? Add some alternative heads, swap out weapons, or go wild with green acrylic rods for those iconic energy effects. You’ll find that creating your custom Necron models adds a level of satisfaction to the hobby that’s hard to beat. It’s not just about building an army anymore; it’s about crafting a personal narrative that bleeds into the battlefield.

The best part? No two custom armies will ever look the same. Whether you’re leaning into the ancient Egyptian aesthetic or going full sci-fi horror, custom Necron figures allow your creativity to run riot. And let’s be real: few things are cooler than showing up to a game and seeing your opponent admire your craftsmanship (before, of course, they get wiped off the board by your souped-up legion).

Top Companies for Alternative Necron Models and Necron Conversion Bits

Whether you’re a Necron Overlord looking to expand your legions or a Cryptek tinkering with new designs, finding the right third-party models and conversion bits is the key to turning your army from a mass-produced force into a unique and fearsome dynasty. Luckily, some companies out there have exactly what you need to achieve that perfect blend of sinister and stylish. Let’s take a closer look at the top names in the game for alternative Necron models and Necron conversion bits.

Wargames Exclusive: Premium Third-Party Necron Figures

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Third Party Alternative Necron Figures and Models 2 conversion bitsWhen it comes to high-end Necron-themed models, Wargames Exclusive is a name that frequently crops up in the conversation. They specialize in creating detailed, eye-catching figures that feel right at home among the eerie legions of the Tomb Worlds. Their models often come with the kind of flair that’s missing from the standard lineup, making them perfect for players who want their army to stand out.Third Party Alternative Necron Figures and Models 3 conversion bits Wargames Exclusive excels at producing unique HQ choices and special units. Their alternate Overlords, Crypteks, and other key Necron characters are designed to command attention on the battlefield. Imagine your Necron Lord wielding a weapon that looks like it’s fresh out of a stasis vault, crackling with arcane energy. Yeah, you can thank Wargames Exclusive for that. Their attention to detail is unmatched, and their kits are perfect for those who appreciate a bit of extra flair in their figures.

Key products? You can’t go wrong with their Necron-themed Crypteks or alternative Overlords, each looking like they could give Imotekh a run for his money. Plus, their figures have a distinctly more menacing presence, which is exactly what you want when leading an army of deathless machines.

Kromlech: Best for Necron Conversion Bits

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nekropolis terrain 2If you’re the kind of hobbyist who loves getting hands-on with their miniatures, then Kromlech is where you want to be. Known for their vast range of Necron conversion bits, this company has everything you need to build an army that’s 100% unique. Whether it’s weapons, heads, or those classic Egyptian-inspired designs that Necrons are famous for, Kromlech has you covered.

Let’s talk about the bits themselves. They offer everything from Technomancer staves and alternate energy weapons to skull-like heads and mechanical arms. Want to make your Immortals stand out with some sinister-looking gauss rifles? Or maybe you’re looking to give your Lychguard that extra bit of regal flair with ancient headpieces and elaborate scythes? Kromlech’s parts will do the trick. Their bits fit seamlessly with official models, but they bring an extra level of menace that the standard kits sometimes lack.

One particularly popular item is their set of Egyptian-themed staves and weapons, which adds a more ancient, arcane feel to your army. After all, nothing says “I’m here to reclaim the galaxy” like a robotic skeleton with a staff that looks like it was forged eons ago.

Artel W: Unique Custom Necron Models

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Necron Nightbringer 2 C'tan alternativeFor those who want a bit more luxury in their Necron army, Artel W is the company to check out. Specializing in highly detailed and bespoke miniatures, Artel W has carved a niche for itself with players who want something truly special for their Necron forces. These aren’t just any models—they’re miniatures that feel like they’ve stepped straight out of the Necron dynasty’s grandest vaults.

Artel W’s miniatures work particularly well for leaders and elite units. Need a Necron Lord who’s oozing with ancient authority? Or maybe you’re after a Cryptek that looks like they’ve been tampering with technology far beyond mortal comprehension? Artel W’s got the goods. Their figures are full of dynamic poses, intricate details, and the sort of gravitas that demands respect—just what you need when leading your deathless legions into battle.

artel w nightbringer necron alternative C'tanOne of the reasons why Artel W is so popular among Necron players is the level of craftsmanship they bring to their models. Every part of the figure feels deliberate, and the sculpting quality is top-notch. For those who love painting miniatures, Artel W’s designs give you ample opportunity to showcase your skills, from the eerie glow of their green energy weapons to the fine details of their ancient armor.

Puppetswar: Mechanical Mastery for Necron Conversions

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Third Party Alternative Necron Figures and Models 4 conversion bitsWhen it comes to crafting mechanical terrors, Puppetswar has your back with a wide selection of conversion bits that are perfect for giving your Necron models an extra technological edge. Their catalog of robotic arms, legs, and heads allows you to add a level of customization that can make your army feel like a completely unique dynasty, fresh off the assembly line (or tomb world).

Whether you’re looking to add some extra detailing to your Warriors, beef up your Immortals, or turn your HQ units into true mechanical nightmares, Puppetswar’s modular pieces are a perfect fit. Their mechanical bits blend seamlessly into the Necron aesthetic, giving off that unmistakable sense of ancient power combined with cutting-edge technology. You want your army to look like they’ve just woken up after millennia of slumber, but now they’re back and better than ever—and Puppetswar makes that possible.

Liber Daemonica: Gothic Elegance for Necron Conversions

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Third Party Alternative Necron Figures and Models 5 conversion bitsFor those of you who want your Necron army to lean a little more into the gothic and arcane, Liber Daemonica is the go-to choice. While they’re often known for their chaos and demon-inspired bits, their range of gothic Necron accessories can give your models an eerie, ancient look that screams “forgotten horrors from the depths of space.”

conversion bitsLiber Daemonica offers a variety of Necron conversion bits that emphasize ancient cryptic power. From gothic armor plates to scarab-like symbols and arcane runes, their parts are perfect for adding a regal, foreboding vibe to your custom Necron models. These additions work especially well on HQ units like Overlords or Crypteks, where you want to show that your leaders aren’t just your average robots—they’re lords of a dynasty that has seen the rise and fall of civilizations.

Ghamak: 3D STL Files for Custom Necron Models

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October Ghamak Files 5For those with access to a 3D printer and a passion for true customization, Ghamak offers an impressive range of Necron-inspired 3D STL files. Whether you’re looking to create entirely new units or just add a few custom touches to your existing models, Ghamak’s designs bring something fresh and exciting to the table.

Their STL files cover everything from standard Necron troops to elite units, complete with intricate designs and an unmistakable Necron flair. Want to field an Overlord that looks like nothing else on the battlefield? Or maybe you need some unique Destroyers that will have your opponents staring in awe (right before they get disintegrated)? Ghamak has the files to help you bring those dreams to life. With 3D printing becoming more accessible, Ghamak’s files are a fantastic way to stay ahead of the curve in the ever-competitive world of Warhammer 40k.

October Ghamak Files 7Best of all, you can scale and tweak these files before printing, ensuring that your custom Necron army is truly one of a kind. With a combination of Necron conversion bits, third-party figures, and now Ghamak’s 3D STL files, you’ll have everything you need to forge a dynasty that’s truly unforgettable.

Converting Non-Necron Models into Custom Necron Units

September Ghamak STL 7The galaxy’s most ancient and mysterious death machines, the Necrons, are known for their skeletal aesthetic, cold metallic forms, and their unsettling energy weapons. But what if you want your Necron army to be a little less “off the production line” and a little more… personal? Enter Necron conversion—the art of taking non-Necron models and transforming them into custom Necron units. Whether you’re raiding your bits box or grabbing third-party parts, there’s a whole realm of creativity to tap into. Let’s break it down, step by step, to help you create your own immortal warriors.

Creating Custom Necron Models with Mechanical and Skeletal Bits

First things first—Necrons are not your typical flesh-and-blood warriors. They’re all about the metal, the machinery, and the cold, unfeeling inevitability of death. This makes mechanical limbs and skeletal components a perfect starting point for your conversions. Whether you’re working with a box of Imperial Guard, Space Marines, or any humanoid model, swapping out limbs for mechanical parts can immediately give your model that unmistakable Necron vibe.

You’ll find that companies like Puppetswar and Kromlech offer excellent mechanical bits, from robotic arms to skeletal torsos, perfect for creating custom Necron models. Want your converted Necron Warrior to look ancient and patched together? Mix and match different mechanical limbs, giving them a worn, battle-damaged look. If you’re going for a more pristine look, some perfectly engineered limbs from third-party ranges will fit seamlessly with the typical Necron aesthetic. Throw in some skeletal heads, and you’ve got yourself a Necron who looks like they’ve just woken up from a million-year nap.

For making successful conversions, keep an eye on scale and design consistency. Necrons have that ancient-meets-futuristic vibe, so lean into it by picking parts that are angular, sleek, or skeletal. No Necron worth their necrodermis is going to be wearing clunky armor plates or flesh-covered limbs. Keep it cold, keep it metallic.

Using Skulls and Egyptian-Themed Accessories for Necron Conversions

Necrons heads conversion bitsLet’s face it, the Necrons are basically space Egyptians with a heavy dose of sci-fi creepiness. That means you can have a lot of fun when incorporating skulls and Egyptian-themed accessories into your conversions. Skulls? Absolutely. Robotic skulls, humanoid skulls, skulls of other species—it’s all on the table. Kromlech and Artel W both have great selections of skeletal heads and accessories that can give your models that “fresh out of the tomb world” look.

For that classic Necron vibe, you can also deck your warriors out in Egyptian-inspired bling. Think ankhs, scarabs, and ancient staves. Kromlech’s Egyptian-styled weapons and gear are perfect for this, and a well-placed staff or decorative symbol can make a Cryptek look like they’re ready to tear the secrets of the universe from the living. These bits not only reinforce the ancient theme but also give your custom Necron units a sense of regality, as though they’re part of an ancient royal court rather than just another army on the battlefield.

Pro tip: blending skulls with high-tech gear creates that perfect Necron juxtaposition—ancient, yet impossibly advanced. It’s the key to making your models stand out while still fitting perfectly within the faction’s lore.

Adding Energy Weapons and Green Acrylic Rods for Necron Look

Green RodsNow, let’s talk about the most iconic Necron feature: those glowing green weapons that look like they could disintegrate a Space Marine faster than you can say “Gauss Flayer.” Replicating that signature Necron look can be as easy as using green acrylic rods or transparent parts. Many hobbyists swear by acrylic rods for their weapons because they mimic the energy flow of Necron tech perfectly. They’re especially handy for making weapons look like they’re actively channeling eldritch energy—just what you want for your custom Necron Warriors or Immortals.

Here’s the trick: use acrylic rods for things like gun barrels, energy conduits, or power sources on your models. You can cut them to the right length, slot them into place, and voilà—your Gauss weaponry looks as dangerous as it should. For a more advanced touch, you can paint subtle glow effects around the acrylic pieces, making them look like they’re buzzing with raw power.

When you’re working with third-party Necron conversion bits, companies like Pop Goes the Monkey often offer weapons and parts designed to match the energy aesthetic. Pair these with green rods, and you’ve got custom weaponry that fits seamlessly with the official models while still looking uniquely yours.

Building Necron-Themed Terrain and Scenics

Creating an ominous battlefield for your Necron army isn’t just about the models themselves—your army deserves a table that matches their ancient, deathless vibe. Whether you’re fighting over a desolate tomb world or reawakening Necrons beneath the sands of some far-flung planet, terrain plays a crucial role in immersing yourself (and your opponents) in the grimdark universe of Warhammer 40k. So, how do you get that perfect Necron aesthetic for your tabletop? Let’s take a look at some great options, starting with Kromlech and then moving on to DIY solutions.

Kromlech Tabletop Scenics for Necron Tomb Worlds

nekropolis terrain 9If you’re looking for something that instantly screams “Tomb World,” Kromlech has you covered with their range of Necron-themed terrain. These pieces are designed to fit seamlessly into the cold, sterile aesthetic of the Necrons, complete with angular structures, arcane symbols, and that classic vibe of “we’ve been sleeping for millions of years, now it’s time to destroy the galaxy.”

One standout from Kromlech’s line is the Necron Obelisk, a towering monolith that adds immediate gravitas to your battlefield. Combine it with energy pylons or ancient tomb ruins, and suddenly you’ve got yourself a scene that looks like a long-forgotten Necron world slowly coming back to life. These terrain pieces not only serve as great scenery, but they also double as objectives or strategic cover for your custom Necron models to hide behind before launching their next wave of disintegration beams.

Kromlech’s terrain is detailed enough to require minimal extra work on your part. Simply assemble, paint in those signature metallics, and add a glowing green energy effect to complete the look. Trust me, nothing sets the tone for a game like watching your Necron army march out from their eerie obelisks and pylons.

Custom Necron Terrain Using Foam and Green Stuff

Greenstuff testIf you’re more of the DIY type, crafting your own Necron-themed terrain using simple materials like foam and green stuff is a fun and affordable alternative. The good news is, Necron structures are all about those straight lines, geometric shapes, and hard angles—perfect for working with foam.

Start with high-density foam (the kind you find in craft stores) and carve out basic shapes like obelisks, monoliths, and ancient pylons. Use a hobby knife and a ruler to get the precise angles that Necron structures are known for. Once your shapes are cut, cover them in a thin layer of green stuff to add texture or Necron symbols.

To enhance the “Necron awakening” feel, you can also integrate transparent green rods or LED lights into your structures. These can mimic the glowing energy conduits that power your custom Necron legions, giving your battlefield that classic Necron tech vibe. Add some metallic paints and a little weathering, and you’ve got yourself a battlefield worthy of a Tomb World resurgence.

Future of Necron Models and Customization in Warhammer 40k

Necrons wal horThe galaxy waits for no one—not even the Necrons—and the world of Warhammer 40k continues to evolve. With every new edition comes a fresh wave of models, and the Necrons are always lurking on the horizon. But what does the future hold for Necron models and customization?

We can expect that future Necron releases will likely continue to focus on expanding the dynasty’s range of units, especially when it comes to unique characters or specialized troops. There’s already a strong base, but it’s the third-party world where things get truly exciting. Companies like Wargames Exclusive and Artel W will continue to offer cutting-edge takes on Necron alternatives, allowing players to create standout models without being confined to the official range.

Customization will only grow more important as the game develops. Having a distinct army isn’t just about looking cool—it’s about flexing your creativity and strategy. As Necron players, we know it’s not just about following a script. It’s about creating dynasties that feel unique, timeless, and threatening in a galaxy full of flashy competition. A custom Necron model that no one else has? That’s an advantage both on and off the battlefield.

Final Thoughts on Third-Party Necrons Bits, Figures, & Models

In the end, whether you’re waking up your first Necron Warrior or commanding a dynasty that’s been around since the stars were young, one thing’s for sure: there’s no shortage of ways to make your army stand out. With all the third-party Necron figures, conversion bits, and custom terrain options at your disposal, your Necrons can be as terrifying and unique as you want them to be. Want your Overlord to look like they’re straight from an ancient royal court? Done. Need your battlefield to scream “tomb world awakening”? Easy.

And remember, the galaxy is vast and full of enemies who would love nothing more than to see your Necrons stay in their tombs. But with a little creativity (and maybe some green acrylic rods), you’ll have them quaking in their power armor soon enough. Whether you’re converting models, crafting terrain, or plotting galactic domination, the key is to have fun and make your dynasty unforgettable. After all, immortality’s a long game—you might as well look good while you’re at it.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

Will you be picking up any of these third-party Necron alternative figures, Warhammer 40k models, or bits? 

About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!