American Team Championship 2022 Tickets Available Now!

atc walTime to get the Warhammer band back together and get your minis ready for the American Team Championship 2022!

Join the battle this year in the beautiful hills of Tennessee! If you play 40k, AoS, or Horus Heresy, get your tickets for 2022 ATCs today. Considering we’ve had some of these canceled in the past due to COVID, it’s nice to see this one going forward. The event will take place from July 15-17th, meaning there is still some time to decide who you’ll be playing with and to get your minis ready!

This will take place in Chatanooga, TN. which is a great place to be, so even if you don’t go out and smash the competition, you can still enjoy the area. Let’s check out some of the details of the event.

American Team Championship 2022 Tickets Available Now!

American Team Championship 2The tickets are on sale right now for the AoS and 40k events, meaning you can get geared up to go right now! They are working on the other events right now, so we expect to see more tournament tickets soon. You can get your 40k tickets here, and your AoS tickets here. Let’s check out some of the rules for the 40k Tourney:

  • Registration deadline for the 40k ATC is End of Day, Sunday July 3, 2022.
  • Army Lists are due by End of Day, Friday,  July 3, 2022. 
  • Army Lists MUST be submitted using the GUIDELINES SET FORTH IN THE CAPTAIN’S COUNCIL.  You MUST send ALL Lists and ALL the Player Forms in ONE email with your TEAM NAME and the words “ATC 40k Army Lists” in the subject line to
  • No new factions or codexes will be allowed that are released after June 25, 2022.
  • No changes will be made to the FAQ or Army Building Guidelines after June 25, 2022.

Where to Stay:

Chattanooga hotelThere are actually three different hotels you can stay at for the event. This is mainly because you can’t stay right in the convention center. All three are within a mile of the convention hall and two are just a couple of blocks away. If you want to go ahead and book your room, you can here!

That does it for this one, now go get your ticket before they sell out!

Get Your Tickets Here!