An Adepticon Perspective – Player Interview

By Rob Baer | January 8th, 2020 | Categories: Adepticon 2013, Warhammer 40k News

Welcome back to our 72 hours of Adepticon coverage! This time we are bringing you our first Army Interview from Adepticon 2013!

I got lucky with my first random interview of day. A Mr. Jeffery Florido who just so happened to be from Illinois. I caught Jeffery at the end of his 2nd Gladiator match of the day and he was kind enough to give me a few minutes.

He is currently 2-0 and one of the MANY of the Daemons of Chaos players in the room. Jeffery told me he just recently switch to playing Daemons in 40k about 2 months ago after being a long time Fantasy player. Not to shabby a start for a new daemon convert. I asked him a bit about his current army composition because it is pretty different than most of the Pink Horror and Bloodcrusher list I am seeing around the room and so far for him hands down his MVP’s have been the Flesh Hounds, while strangely when I asked which unit has been his most lack luster he quickly answered the Plaguebearers. While they do hold objectives well and just do not die he felt they just didn’t do enough for him in today’s missions.

I’m not going to get into the Gladiator missions specifics but Jeffery seemed very excited about them when asked and thought they were very innovative and challenging this year. Having attended every Adepticon he has seen it grow and evolve into the monster it is today, barely contained by the Westin… Lastly I asked if there was anyone out there he wanted to give a shout out too. So here is looking at you Adeptus Windy City

Keep in mind guys these are all raw pictures with no editing and these are just quick 3 minute rapid fire Q&A sessions so if there are any specific questions you all want to see asked and answered let me know!

That’s it for this post, check back shortly for more from our 72 hours of coverage soon! -MBG