An Ancient & Mysterious Evil: Drach’nyen LORE


Today we take a look at the blade wielded by the bane if the Imperium. Abaddon the Despoiler has been the undoing entire solar systems with this relic.

Not a normal blade by no means this weapon is as mysterious as it is deadly. Let’s find out what is known about the mighty Drach’nyen.

Via: Lexicanum


Drach’nyen can take many forms, and it only appears as a great blade in the hands of Abaddon because that is how the Warmaster chooses it to be. In truth, the sword has no real shape or size, at least nothing that could be understood by the mind of man.


The weapon normally appears to be something akin to a two-handed sword, except that Abaddon wields the weapon with a single hand in conjunction with the Talon of Horus. The guard of the weapon tends to be golden in colour, with a leering face of a demon just above the handle. The ricasso of the weapon has spikes protruding from the sides as well as outward from the blade, and the blade itself is blue with red, tormented faces (the faces of souls it has devoured since being claimed by Abaddon) writhing across its surface.


The origins of Drach’nyen are a mystery to most, unknown perhaps even to Abaddon himself. Daemons speak of the blade in fear, calling it the Thorn in Reality or the Shard of Madness. It is, however, known to be a weapon that has existed long before the rise of Mankind.


The First Murder

Drach’nyen was born at the moment of the first murder – the first time a human killed another human outside of the need to survive. The name Drach’nyen, which can be translated as the End of Empires, is an approximation of the scream of the first murderer and that of the brother he murdered.

Find Out More About Drach’nyen!