New GW Rumor Engine: An Elegant Weapon?

Another Rumor Engine is here and we’re not sure if it’s for Age of Sigmar or 40k. Check out what is on the way for one of GW’s top games.

Like clockwork, Warhammer Community revealed another rumor engine showcasing a mysterious bit that we could see fitting in the 40k and AoS universe. Get a closer look for yourself and let us know what you think it is!

An Elegant Weapon Rumor Engine

rumor engine 9-3-2019

Looking at the bit, it looks like it’s the end of some kind of weapon with a few cloth tassels for decoration. What it really comes down to is trying to figure out if it’s for AoS or for 40k. We don’t see any battery packs or cords which makes us lean toward AoS. But it wouldn’t be surprising to see some kind of Tau Ethereal hit the scene with a fancy new motivation stick.

death company

As far as the tassels go, it’s a bit we’ve seen before. Death Company are covered in them. But the bit doesn’t look like any kind of Death Company weapon besides a possible thunder hammer.

high elf

Looking toward the possibility of this bit coming to AoS, it looks too “elegant” to be something used by Sigmar. For that matter, it looks too fancy for any of the Chaos gods aside from Slaanesh. That leaves us thinking that it might be some kind of Aelven weapon. More specifically, maybe a High Elf?

It’s a mystery as to who or what is actually holding this weapon. So in the meantime, what would you like to see this bit previewed as? Do Xenos need more 40k support? Would you like to see High Elves get some new units?

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