If you enjoy unpredictable tales with shocking twists then this new Warhammer 40,000 short is just what you need in your reading library!
This new short story of the trying times of the 41st millennium is just what you need in your collection.
Source: Black Library
When a murderous cultist inexplicably turns himself in to the Inquisition, his acolyte-interrogator seeks to learn the reason for the surrender.
Potentia: $4.99
Within every noble intention there lurks the potential for corruption, with every pious ideal the possibility of falling into darkness… When a murderous cultist inexplicably turns himself in to the Inquisition, his acolyte-interrogator seeks to learn the reason for the murderer’s surrender but ends up receiving a very different lesson…
Make sure to head over to Black Library to get your copy of Potentia and all the other great Wahammer lore!